Plus another win against the FBI's illegal raid. | View in browser
Institute for Justice updates
Civil Forfeiture
Netflix’s Number One Movie, Rebel Ridge, Mirrors Real-Life Abuses of Civil Forfeiture
Rebel Ridge, the number one film on Netflix when it launched, may sound familiar to IJ supporters. The film centers on a former Marine who lost his savings to civil forfeiture during a traffic stop, like IJ client Stephen Lara. Unlike the film’s protagonist, who takes the law into his own hands, Stephen partnered with IJ to seek justice through the courts, and we got his money back. Rebel Ridge captures the grim reality that far too many Americans face.
FBI Pays to Replace Valuable Property Missing After Unconstitutional Raid
Don Mellein was one of hundreds of safe deposit box holders at US Private Vaults who had his box opened, searched, and subjected to civil forfeiture during an FBI raid in March 2021. The FBI failed to return 63 gold coins worth over $166,000. So, Don and IJ sued. Now, the FBI will compensate Don and others whose property the agency lost.
Wilmington Will Reform Impound Practices to End IJ Lawsuit
Under pressure from an IJ lawsuit, Wilmington, Delaware, agreed to reform its predatory impound practices. Ameera Shaheed and Earl Dickerson sued after their vehicles were towed and impounded by private companies. These companies operated “cost-free” for the city by keeping the profits from scrapping cars.
It’s legal to travel domestically with any amount of cash. It’s legal to travel in and out of the U.S. with more than $10k if you declare it. But that doesn’t stop law enforcement from searching travelers’ property and seizing any cash.
A special edition of Short Circuit Live where IJ teamed up with the Texas Observer for a conversation about how local governments increasingly are retaliating against those who call them to account.
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