Thank you fellow conservative for helping us win one of the most important fights of our generation: the protection of an entire generation of children from transgender extremists.
Across the country, weak, liberal politicians have allowed transgender extremists to scar hundreds of children permanently. Children pressured into sterilization surgeries will be haunted by these scars and the fallout of regrettable decisions that permanently prevent them from having children for the rest of their lives.
But Heritage Action has fought back to protect minors from these dangerous transgender operations in 17 STATES.
This is significant progress, but children are still at risk of irreversible, dangerous, and unnecessary surgeries.
Right now, we are fighting for major protections for minors from transgender extremists:
→ We have deployed our state teams to fight for protections in the backyards of key lawmakers.
→ We are fighting back against the lies of radical transgender activists and exposing the truth about these dangerous procedures to thousands of Americans.
Will you join our two-front fight to protect minors from sex changes?
Thank you for your support in one of the most critical fights of our lifetimes,
Heritage Action Team
Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
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