Habitat of Eastern Chimpanzee and the African Elephant under threat.
Upgrade Democracy - 30th Aug to 1st Sep - Windsor

Hello John,

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is a heated oil pipeline currently under construction. Once completed, it will stretch for almost 1,443 kilometres across Tanzania and Uganda – making it the longest heated crude oil pipeline in the world.[1]

The pipeline will disturb sensitive ecosystems including the Lake Victoria basin, a vital water supply supporting 40 million people and its ongoing construction has already displaced thousands of people in villages in Uganda.

This is just one of many 'carbon-bomb' projects that need to be stopped and the insurance industry might just be the key![2] 

Campaigning by XR and other organisations has led to dozens of banks and insurers ruling out support for EACOP.[3]

Join a Zoom call to hear how XR’s Insure Our Survival campaign will help keep the pressure up. If you can't make these times - please still register to receive a recording and more info in a follow up email.

More information

Read the ‘book’ on the Rebel Toolkit - which provides background information on this campaign and ways to get involved in planning more local actions.

If you can use the Telegram app on your phone - you can connect to the main Rebellion Broadcast and/or the specific Insure Our Survival chat.

There will also be ways you can get involved from home, including amplifying social media.

Love and Rage,
Extinction Rebellion UK


[1] ‘Monstrous’ east African oil project - Guardian
[2] Defusing ‘carbon bombs’ - Leeds Uni
[2] StopEACOP website 29 insurers and 27 banks ruling out support for EACOP.

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