Click Here to Submit Your Intentions: Three Holy
Masses, 9/21-9/23

Dear Friend,
Have you decided what intentions
you are asking St. Padre Pio, a Tireless Intercessor and
Miracle-Worker, to storm heaven on your behalf? If you have already
submitted your intentions, think about this:
St. Padre Pio is also known as the
patron saint of priests. Nowadays, priests are heavily scrutinized by
what they preach, or fail to preach. Some members of the clergy may
have drifted far from the Sacrament of Holy Orders they received at
their ordination. Others are carrying heavy crosses – terminal
illnesses, serious health issues, emotional wounds from parishioners
who desire someone else to lead their parish. With the merging of
churches, some priests are faced with duties that have doubled.
Include those members of the clergy that come to mind. Invoke St. Pio
to help them!
Please submit your intentions for
the Three Holy Masses, beginning this Saturday, Sept.
21, which will include
the Feast Day Holy Mass on Monday, September
23. Be sure to join me in the
prayers that will be sent to you.
Let us invoke St. Padre Pio, who is
a mirror of the divine life and the helper of souls in doubt and
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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