I wanted you to be the first to know John — a legal fight that started in 2018 has come to a just end. In conjunction with law enforcement officials, Farm Sanctuary, and additional rescue partners, we rescued 113 animals from multiple illegal backyard slaughter operations in Fort Myers, Florida. An undercover investigation by a Florida-based animal rights group exposed shocking animal cruelty at these facilities.
John, this victory not only saved many animals from suffering at the hands of inhumane, illegal slaughter operations but also showed how much impact a private citizen can have. We represented a neighbor who runs a produce stand near the backyard slaughter operations — her customers would cry when hearing gunshots and squeals emanating from the properties next door. These backyard slaughter operations cruelly butchered animals and endangered public health by illegally slaughtering the animals, including pigs, goats, chickens and horses, in filthy conditions and then selling the meat for human consumption. |
This victory marks one of the first times in the country where a private citizen presented violations of animal cruelty and humane slaughter laws to demonstrate that animal abusers are a public nuisance. As a result, we were able to rescue all the farmed animals on the properties and the defendants are prohibited from slaughtering animals, selling live animals, and even possessing farmed animals.
Support from passionate donors makes victories like this possible. Since 1979, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has led the charge to win animals the legal protections they so desperately need — and deserve. Your support will assure that we can continue to take on cases like this that advance the interests of animals — and win!
As you can imagine, illegal slaughter operations inflict extreme pain on animals before slaughtering and butchering them. This victory not only shut down multiple illegal slaughter operations and rescued over 100 animals, but also affirms the power that individual citizens (like you!) have to impact change — so stay vigilant.
Animals NEVER deserve abuse. And we will never stop fighting for them. Thank you again for all that you do for animals, we couldn’t achieve these victories without your support.
For the animals,
Stephen Wells
Executive Director
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533