Friend --
Today, September 17, is Constitution Day!? On this day in 1787, 39
courageous men ratified the United States Constitution.? My hero,
Alexander Hamilton, represented the State of New York. Today, we have
a government that is more beholden to big money interests than the
principles set forth in that document.? Our Congressmen and Senators
are particularly corrupt, and are very difficult to remove, thanks to
unlimited amounts of dark money pouring into their campaigns, as well
as what one might politely refer to as "election irregularities."?
We need to protect our electoral process! I am launching an
initiative in New York State called, "Guard the Vote."? I need
volunteers in each of the 62 counties to participate in everything
from inspecting the voting machines, to poll watching, to monitoring
the results online as they are posted.? You can even help with the
online part of this from out of state.
Please take 12 minutes to watch the video below, which documents my
amazing disappearing vote when I ran against Schumer in 2022. It
concludes with a list of things that we need volunteers to do.? After
you watch the video (or even before) please click the box under the
video to volunteer in your county or online.? We will schedule a Zoom
meeting with volunteers across the state early next week to answer
questions. The inspection of voting machines begins in the last days
of September, depending on your county, so sign up today!
--Diane Sare