Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Hey, quick update:

Every month we have a fundraising goal to ensure our campaign can continue staffing up, recruiting more volunteers, and engaging more voters. And since we are entirely grassroots-funded, whether or not we meet these goals is determined by small-dollar donors like you.

We’re nearing the last end-of-quarter deadline before the 2024 election, and I’m asking you to chip in $25 right now to help make sure we don’t miss our target for the month.

Give $25

Give $40

Give $50

Our campaign believes in the power of community-based organizing. Instead of spending millions on ads, we’ve invested in building our campaign community and growing our movement year-round. Meanwhile, our opponents have been piling up mountains of cash to run attack ads against me and other progressive leaders in Congress. Your contribution right now allows us to invest in the scale of grassroots action needed to defeat these special interests and continue our campaign for justice throughout 2024 and beyond.

With each month that passes, Election Day gets closer and the stakes get higher. The special interests trying to defeat progressives aren’t slowing down — and neither can we.

I’ll keep you posted on our progress this month. Thanks as always for your support!


Campaign Manager