U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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We wanted to make sure you saw this important update. We need a surge of grassroots donations today from everyone who cares about re-electing Chris to the U.S. Senate.

Will you please consider pitching in? If just 1 out of every 8 people reading this made a donation today, we’d reach our goal well before this month’s FEC deadline.


Our campaign is facing a bit of a situation. But before we ask for your support, please allow us to explain what’s going on.

At the end of this month, there’s an official FEC deadline. After we close the books, campaigns like ours are required to report our fundraising numbers for public scrutiny.

When that happens, one of the starkest contrasts you’ll see is how people fund their campaigns. This movement helps Chris stand out among his colleagues in Washington.

A lot of politicians follow a big-money strategy — exchanging access and influence with the corporations and PACs that fund their campaigns.

That’s not Chris. We’ve built a true grassroots-funded campaign because Chris knows that’s how we build true power to make change.

Now here’s the dilemma: This choice, which is the right one, makes our job harder at times. Like today. The truth is our average contribution has fallen considerably this quarter. It’s down more than 25%.

So we have two choices for how to solve this:

Usually we ask people making their first online donation to donate $3. But now that you understand the challenge we’re facing, we’re asking if you can do a bit more.

Can you contribute $10 to Chris Murphy’s re-election today? This is important. We need to post a good number when we close the books to demonstrate the strength of our gun safety movement.

Republicans, the NRA and corporate special interest may rake in massive checks, but they’re no match for what our movement can do.

Thank you for pitching in. Every donation means Chris can spend more time focused on the important work, not worrying about fundraising.

- Team Murphy


Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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