Give help, get help.

Hi John,

I've never had a lot of patience, especially when I see a glaring need.

It's why I'll fight hard for real, substantive progress as your AZ-06 Congresswoman.

We have to be solution-oriented and ready to act especially during times of crisis for our community and our country.

But we've watched as so many in our community are struggling. COVID-19 relief for individuals, families and small businesses has been slow, faulty and often held up due to unprepared critical systems.

My patience has worn thin as I talk to so many in need. So last week, I partnered with a high school friend to launch a new community action project called Neighbors Working Together.

It is a way to match neighbors who are struggling with neighbors who can and want to help with financial assistance.

It's only been six days, but the project was already featured on ABC15 news as part of their story on one family's struggle. The project has made just over 25 matches, $7,500 in help, so far.

The matches have been throughout Arizona, including some here in AZ-06, and some out of state. The struggles and the stories differ, but the power of community is uniting us in this time.

With the need so high and the strength of community so great, the project is growing rapidly. So much so that I've spent the last two days helping to put more infrastructure in place and build out a team to run it so I can continue my laser focus on unseating Rep. David Schweikert.

I will always support the project.

If you can help or know anyone who needs help, the first step is to complete the form at Neighbors Working Together.

There is also an inspiring Facebook group where the community is sharing other ways they can help or seek help. The group is also a great way to stay updated on the project's progress and needs.

Thank you for letting me share this important community action project with you.

I will always do my best to serve and act with urgency.

Be well and be safe.

-Anita Malik

P.S. If you missed our important LIVE conversation on small business relief, watch it here.