National Voter Registration Day is here! Make sure you and your family are ready to vote—check your voter registration status and deadlines for Arizona today.


The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy. It’s the beating heart of our country’s civil rights—and our labor movement.
That’s why we’re celebrating National Voter Registration Day—the single largest voter registration day in the country. We’re reaching out to make sure you, your family, co-workers, neighbors, and friends are ready to exercise our democratic rights.
The voter registration deadline is approaching in many states over the next few weeks. In Arizona, the deadline to register is October 7th.
So we have two important questions for you:
  1. Will you take a moment to review the voter registration deadlines in Arizona? Find information about Arizona’s voting laws and deadlines here.
  1. Will you make sure your voter registration is correct and up to date? Or, register to vote for the first time. We have all the tools you need on our website:
It’s important to check your voter status early, so you don’t miss any registration deadlines and are ready when Election Day rolls around.
Thank you for getting ready to vote in November! Our vote is our voice, and we’ll need every voice during this election to make sure we protect our contract, our jobs, and our freedoms.
In Solidarity,