Friend, Today is National Voter Registration Day. When was the last time you checked your registration? Have you moved recently? Even in the same city? It’s a good idea to check in and make sure your registration is up to date so you have no problems casting your ballot this November. Check your voter registration here!>> Different states have different rules for voter registration. Some states allow you to update your registration online. Some states require you to file some paper work. Regardless of what your state requires, today’s the day to check in and make sure you’re prepared to cast your ballot. People For has launched a voter resource hub on our website where you’ll find the information you need to check your registration status, review what is on your ballot, and request an absentee ballot. Check out and check your registration status now!>> Your vote is your voice in how your government works—from your local city council members to who represents you in the White House. Make sure you’re ready to cast your ballot and stake your claim in our democracy. In community, Charlie Everett, People For the American Way Foundation