Dear John,
The fight for women's lives in Georgia has never been more urgent.
Amber Thurman, a vibrant 28-year-old mother, is dead.

Her crime? Seeking a legal abortion just days after Georgia's draconian six-week ban took effect.
Let that sink in.
A young woman – someone's daughter, someone's mother – died a preventable death because politicians decided her life was worth less than their ideology.
This is not an isolated incident.
ProPublica's investigation has uncovered at least two women in Georgia who have died after being denied timely, life-saving care due to confusion and fear surrounding our state's extreme abortion ban.
At SisterLove, Inc., we've been on the frontlines fighting for reproductive justice in Georgia for decades. But now, we're in a state of emergency. Women are dying. Families are being torn apart. And it's happening right here in our communities.
We refuse to stand by as more women fall victim to these cruel and dangerous laws.
But we need your help to amplify our voice and expand our reach.
Your support is crucial:
$50 could provide transportation for women facing high-risk pregnancies who may need to travel out of state for care
$100 could fund expansion of our community education programs to ensure women know their rights and how to access cares.
$500 could support a day of lobbying at the state capitol to pressure state legislators to clarify and expand health exceptions in Georgia's abortion ban
$1,000 could help cover legal fees as we challenge these unconstitutional restrictions in court
The time for action is now. Every day we wait, another woman's life hangs in the balance.
Stand with SisterLove.
Stand for Amber Thurman.
Stand for every woman who deserves the right to make decisions about her own body without fear of imprisonment or death.
Donate now and join us in this critical fight for reproductive justice in Georgia and beyond.
In solidarity,
Dázon Dixon Diallo
Executive Director, SisterLove, Inc.
P.S. Your donation is tax-deductible and will make an immediate impact in our fight against deadly abortion bans. Please give generously today.