Friend, In minutes, I am testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary at a full committee hearing A Threat to Justice Everywhere: Stemming the Tide of Hate Crimes in America. You can access the hearing at 10 am EST here: A Threat to Justice Everywhere: Stemming... | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Today’s hearing comes at a time when our community has faced not only increased hate incidents here in the United States but is also bearing the pain of witnessing the violence and genocide affecting our families in Palestine. That violence has come home - as many of those in our community and allies of Palestinian rights have been subjected to violence and hatred because of their stand for justice. There is a long and painful history of hate and discrimination against Arab Americans. Yet despite this, we as a community have persevered, building strong roots, and making countless contributions to the civic life of this country. Indeed, only a decade ago there was no reporting category for anti-Arab hate in Federal Statistics. Today, AAI is at the forefront of the push to strengthen prevention strategies and data collection to curb anti-Arab hate. Arab Americans have always been resilient, and we will continue to push for change. Today, I will be testifying as one step in ensuring that our voices are heard. It is through platforms like these that we work to make sure our community’s experiences are recognized, our pain is seen, and our rights are protected. This is part of our ongoing struggle to ensure a safer and more just future for all of us. Your support, courage, and unwavering commitment to justice fuel these efforts. Together, we will continue to fight against hate and ensure that our community thrives. Arab American Institute Foundation |