PFAW Member, Exploiting the coronavirus pandemic while people across the country face uncertain futures for their health and well-being, Republicans have sought to suppress the vote, use emergency relief funds for kickbacks to their corporate donors, and push through more of their radical agenda. Such extraordinary times coupled with Trump and Republicans’ epic failure of leadership have raised the stakes in our ongoing fight to protect Americans’ rights, defend our democracy, and WIN this year’s elections. That’s why we’re joining with other nonprofits, advocacy organizations, and concerned individuals for a special day of giving this Tuesday, May 5, under the banner of Giving Tuesday NOW. And we’re QUADRUPLING all donations to this campaign up to $125,000 from now through Tuesday with a rare 4X-MATCH! We’re depending on a big response to this campaign as we adapt all of our election year efforts to the unprecedented challenges presented by the current crisis, so we can’t afford to leave a single penny of these vital matching funds on the table. Together, we CAN save our democracy and hold Trump and Republicans accountable for their attacks on Americans and the American Way, but even as you read this, Radical Right groups and activists are staging armed protests at state capitals … right-wing media is busy spreading dangerous conspiracy theories … and Trump is encouraging all of it! The Right is trying to create chaos in a desperate attempt to hold onto power. And they’re ruthlessly trying to take advantage of the pandemic to keep people from being able to cast a ballot. They’ll do ANYTHING to hold on to power!! $10 becomes $40, $20 -> $80, $100 -> $400! TOGETHER, we’ll protect the vote, save our democracy, and restore the American Way. Stay safe and stay healthy. Thank you, -- Zach, PFAW P.S. - If you choose to make your contribution a monthly sustaining gift, your monthly gift will be 4X-matched for the entire year!