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Israel's conduct in the war will consume us all

By Daniel L. Davis on Sep 17, 2024 12:05 am
Featured Image Hamas terrorists were responsible for the deaths of 1,139 Israelis – mostly civilians – on October 7, 2023. The Israeli government was fully within its rights to bring the terrorists to justice.
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US to bring troops home from Iraq, but why not from Syria, too?

By Christopher Mott on Sep 16, 2024 05:20 am
Featured Image Despite the claims of Vice President Kamala Harris that there are no U.S. troops in active combat zones today, many remain deployed abroad in dangerous and unsustainable positions across the world. This includes both Iraq and Syria.
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China hawks dominate pool for Japan’s next prime minister

By Walter Hatch on Sep 16, 2024 12:05 am
Featured Image By the end of this month, Japan will have a new prime minister, and whoever it is will come from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
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Not enough long range missiles to make a difference for Ukraine

By George Beebe on Sep 13, 2024 12:15 pm
Featured Image Russia and the West are quickly running out of maneuvering room to avoid a head-on military collision.
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Russian asset seizure scheme will prolong war

By Ian Proud on Sep 13, 2024 12:05 am
Featured Image In an article in Politico, Dan Fried, Anders Aslund and Kurt Volker argue for the European Union to speed up arrangements to unlock the $50 billion loan package that was approved at the G7 Summit in June. This suggestion is poorly conceived and risks repeating mistakes that paved the road to war in Ukraine.
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Is Israel intentionally attacking aid workers?

By Stephen Semler on Sep 12, 2024 12:05 am
Featured Image Despite a meticulous process in place to ensure aid worker safety in Gaza, the leading cause of death in the humanitarian sector over the last 11 months has been Israeli airstrikes.
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