Here's some good news: we have the chance to buy and protect vital forest in Brazil that is also the only home of the golden-headed lion tamarin.
Fewer than 2500 of these cute, tiny monkeys are left in the wild – and their population is quickly shrinking. Already, 90% of their forest home has been demolished. Even as I write this, bulldozers are tearing down more forest to make industrial-sized cattle ranches and crop fields.
But by working alongside local scientists and Indigenous communities, we can help start saving them...by buying a crucial piece of land to reforest and protect, forever!
The brilliance of their plan is that locals are leading a solution that will empower communities to make a living helping protect and revive native forest – it's what these rare golden monkeys so desperately need to survive. If just 5000 of us chip in the value of $5 or more, we would have enough to send them the cash they need. Can you chip in to help?
I'll donate $3I'll donate $4 I'll donate $5I'll donate $9I'll donate another amount
Widespread forest destruction has decimated Brazil's Atlantic Forest. Once a sprawling 350 million acres, the forest is now just a tenth of its original size. What remains are patches of rainforest, separated by vast areas of deforested land that have been cleared for cattle ranching and industrial farming.
For the tiny golden-headed lion tamarins, this has almost pushed them into extinction. The few that are left are clinging to survival in the old growth trees that remain intact. But they are critical to the ecosystem and if they vanish completely, scientists worry it could have a devastating knock-on effect on the rest of the forest and wildlife there.
But local scientists are excited and hopeful: if they can save the remaining forest and start to rebuild wildlife corridors, these endangered tamarins, not to mention other species as well, can recover!
All they need now is an infusion of cash - and we can make it happen, with your help.
John, can you chip in now to help save this rare tamarin– and protect their forest home, forever?
I'll donate $3I'll donate $4 I'll donate $5I'll donate $9I'll donate another amount