Lobby Governor Newsom with the CCC 

With the two-year legislative session over, lawmakers have turned over all passed bills to Governor Newsom, who has until Sept. 30 to either sign or veto each bill. There are several that can use your voice as we wait for the Governor to determine their fate. 

SB 1414, the bill that would make the purchase of sex with a minor under age 16 a felony, is still pending the Governor’s signature. The California Catholic Conference supported this bill, even asking that it go further in protecting children than the current language dictates. While a new bill can always increase penalties, you can click here to ask Gov. Newsom to take this critical step forward in protecting children.  

AB 2085 seeks to force cities to open abortion facilities as a right, circumventing local control and discriminating against every other kind of reproductive care by exclusion. 

According to Molly Sheahan, CCC Associate Director of Healthy Families, “When California mothers lack enough maternity care to deliver their children safely, it is absurd for the state to push more abortions on local communities.” Ask Gov. Newsom to vote no here

The CCC also heavily advocated for SB 1001, the bill that would end the death penalty for those with an intellectual disability. You can support this bill by quickly sending a letter to Newsom here

In addition, you can help support expanding pathways for students to receive college credits by supporting AB 359, which will make it easier for school districts and colleges to collaborate on dual enrollment programs. Click here now.

Back to School

Students throughout the state have returned to school and now is an excellent time for parents to research and learn about the opt-out options for specific public school curricula.

According to California law:

  • California law states that a parent/guardian has the right to examine the curriculum materials of any class their child will attend. (Ed. Code 51101, 51938)
  • If any part of a school’s instruction in health conflicts with the religious training and beliefs (including moral convictions) of the parent/guardian, the student shall be excused from the instruction that conflicts with the parent/guardian’s religious training or beliefs. (Ed. Code 51240)
  • In grades 1 through 12, a school may not administer a test or questionnaire/survey with questions about personal beliefs or practices of the pupil (or their parents/guardians) on sex, family life, morality, and religion unless the parent is notified in advance, in writing, and affirmatively gives permission for the child to participate. (Ed. Code 51513)
  • A parent/guardian of a pupil (in grades 7 through 12) has the right to excuse their child from all or any part of comprehensive sexual health education, HIV prevention education, and assessments related to that education.  Before exercising this option, parents/guardians also have the right to be notified about planned instruction and to review those materials before the instruction takes place (Ed. Code 51938, 51939).  If a school district elects to provide sexual health education below grade 7, it should be age-appropriate, and parental rights designated for grades 7-12 are in effect. 

Links to support for parents/guardians of public-school children:

Suicide Prevention Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Month – a time to remember the lives lost to suicide, acknowledge the millions more who have experienced suicidal thoughts, and the many individuals, families, and communities that have been impacted by suicide. It’s also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and share messages of hope.

How You Can Help

Educate yourself and others about suicide prevention: Learn the warning signs and risk factors for suicide, how to support someone considering suicide, and familiarize yourself with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Visit the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC): Each year, the SPRC creates a resource full of ways to get involved in Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Here is the resource for 2024!

Read and share the 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and Federal Action Plan.

The Catholic Mental Health Ministers also have a video series: When a Loved One Dies by Suicide. If you have experienced suicide loss, this series will encourage you to reflect on how our Catholic faith can facilitate spiritual healing, provide comfort amid ongoing grief, and inspire both hope and service. When a Loved One Dies by Suicide explains Church teachings on suicide and offers prayers of comfort and support.

It’s okay to not feel okay, and talking to someone who will listen is helpful. 

The National Suicide Prevention hotline number is 1-800-273-8255 or 988. 

There is also a chat line available.

Spotlight on CCC Interns

The California Catholic Conference was very fortunate to have three outstanding interns this summer who were integral in assisting with leadership summits, legislative research, and environmental projects! We thank them for their diligent work and wish them the best as they return to continue their educational endeavors!

Year in School: Senior

Major/Concentration: Law

Minor: Professional and Technical Writing

Desired Career: Lobbyist 

 “Working with the CCC strengthened my faith, and I was able to apply Catholic Social Teaching to my work by always being open to new ideas and appreciating the diversity and uniqueness of others and their opinions. It also strengthened my faith when I saw how helpful the people I worked with were and how they always wanted me to succeed.”

Year in School: Senior

Major/Concentration: Political Science

Minor: Music

Desired Career: Political Staffing

“Catholic Social Teaching was at the heart of all the work I did at the CCC. Working with the state legislature is especially important when viewed through the lenses of solidarity and subsidiarity. Catholic Social Teaching implores us to change how we look at politics and to ensure we are working for the common good.”

Year in School: Senior

Major/Concentration: Physical Science

Minor: Math

Desired Career: Environmental Sciences

“My work was a way to help the office move towards using less paper. This allows the office to be more environmentally conscientious.  The planet is God’s creation, and it is important for us to be good stewards of the land we have. And through my archiving work, I saw a lot of the work that the Catholic Church has done over the years in California. This gave me a new perspective on my faith and the Church.”

Radiate Love!

If you haven’t already, join the California bishops as they celebrate the sacrament of marriage and families through their campaign, Radiate Love!

You can click for updates on the year-long campaign, which seeks to support sacramental marriage, spouses, and families with various resources, programs, and activities. 

With activities happening throughout the state to ‘Radiate Love,’ check with your diocese and parish to find ways to participate no matter your life season or circumstances.