Your weekly Indivisible Newsletter Indivisibles,
Remember that moment at the DNC when future President Kamala Harris said, "In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious"? We're seeing this play out right now in Springfield, OH -- where baseless accusations by Trump and JD Vance against Haitian immigrants have turned the town upside down.
More than 20 facilities, including schools and government buildings, have been shut down, closed, or even evacuated due to threats of violence. Parents have kept their kids at home, fearful for their safety.
This is the MAGA playbook, and it’s as old as time: Divide. Conquer. Turn people against each other to distract from the threats that really face us -- in this case, the threat of another Trump presidency guided by Project 2025.
But here's a heartening twist: Springfield is also showing us what it looks like when people say no to hatred and division and show up for one another -- locals are sending a loud and clear message of support to the immigrant community. It’s beautiful, it’s necessary, and it underscores the need for a powerful counter-narrative of acceptance and collective action that doesn’t just end when Trump picks a new vulnerable community to target.
People in Springfield are showing us a vision of the kind of America most of us want, as Trump, Vance, and others on the right are promoting hate and chaos -- previews of the “extremely serious” consequences that await us if Trump is put back in the White House.
As Indivisibles, our fight against divisive rhetoric and for inclusive, equitable policies cannot be momentary flashes in the pan. Together, we must transcend division lines, forging an unbreakable front against those who’d have us view our neighbors as enemies. Let's unite in action to ensure that the fascistic MAGA agenda finds no foothold in the White House again. Show up, make noise, and push onward toward victory -- with every action, every day.
With that, here are your weekly to-dos:
Your 5 weekly to-dos
- Register for our national phonebank into Wisconsin for Kamala tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17 at 6pm ET/3pm PT. Wisconsin is a key state in this year’s electoral map, let’s make sure our turnout is strong enough that Trump can’t even try to steal it again. We will be hosting phonebanks into key areas all across the country every week until November 5. We’ll make sure to always highlight the next upcoming phonebank in these to-dos, but if you want to get ahead of the curve and block off some dates, use this page to register for upcoming phonebanks, set up your own phonebank, or participate in the many other ways we have to contact voters this election.
- Register for our national phonebank into AZ-06 and CA-27 on Tuesday, September 24 at 7pm ET/4pm PT. These two races could decide the fate of the House this election cycle. Let’s capitalize on the momentum for VP Harris, and make sure we elect a Congress that can enact her agenda when she’s sworn in.
- Join us alongside partner Vote Forward for a virtual letter writing party this Thursday, September 19 at 4pm ET/1pm PT. We’re writing letters to voters in key House districts as part of The Big Send -- a collective effort to send 10 million letters to voters this year. There will be ASL interpretation available on this call. Not available that day? We have another opportunity to write letters to voters on October 3.
- If you’re eligible, sign up for Neighbor2Neighbor. Neighbor2Neighbor is the most effective form of voter contact that we’ve seen. Connect with your community while ensuring that your democracy-aligned neighbors get out to vote this year. It’s simple. It’s quick. And, it’s a fun way to get to meet some of your neighbors who you have something in common with -- a pro-democracy future.
- Check out our Donald Did This resource. Roe v. Wade didn’t just fall on its own, it took years of political maneuvering and explicit court-packing by Donald Trump to make it happen -- and he’s not done. Check out this resource for a detailed breakdown of how we got here, what’s at stake this election, social media resources to bring attention to Trump’s responsibility for this, and action items to make sure he never has the opportunity to finish his plans.
P.S. Election Day is just under 2 months away and now's the time when we need to make big investments in battleground districts and target states. If you're able, pitch in today to help fund our electoral work and support the grassroots organizing that could decide this year's election.
Women Wednesdays for Harris

Register for Women Wednesdays for Harris this Wednesday at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT and every week through the election. Social media is a vast minefield that can feel impossible to navigate when you want to motivate voters. Join this week’s call to learn the tools and tricks to get the engagement you need to make a difference this election cycle. This week we’ll be joined by some incredible special guests: Rep. Jasmine Crockett, Edie Falco, Annie Wu, Jordyn Woods, and Mark Hamill.
Every Wednesday through Election Day, we will be partnering on a national call bringing together women from all across the country to build community, strategize, and share tools to drive a Harris victory in November.
Deaf Strong!

Register for Deaf Strong! Deaf People and Allies for Harris/Walz tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17 at 8pm ET/5pm PT. It started with Win With Black Women. Then came Win With Black Men, White Women: Answering the Call, and so many other specific identity-based organizing vehicles to show our support for Harris/Walz. This time Deaf Americans are getting involved. Join activists from across the country as we talk about the importance of voting, registering to vote, and center the specific issues that impact Deaf Americans. This event will be Deaf led and presented in ASL, voice interpreted, and captioned.
Fated States
Join Indivisible and the Fated Mates Podcast team to reach out to voters across the country this Saturday, September 21 at 1pm ET/10am PT. Indivisible is teaming up with the Fated Mates romance podcast for their fourth year of Fated States: phonebanking parties for Democratic candidates up and down the ticket! There will be fun conversation about romance novels, giveaways, and special guests to scratch your romance itch while we reach out to voters and save democracy.
Hosted by Sarah MacLean (bestselling romance novelist) and Jen Prokop (romance critic and editor), these phonebanks are two hours long and open to all.
IndivisiWin of the Week

Indiana Indivisibles held a statewide conference to get organized for the work ahead. If you look closely, you might just see a special guest in the front.
Demand Your Members of Congress Call For A Ceasefire
**Content Warning: Talk about the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Jump to the line break if you need to avoid this topic.** |
As noted last week, in a tragic incident, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old US citizen and Washington state resident, was killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) while protesting in the West Bank. In the week since, this loss has ignited calls for an independent investigation into her death and those of nearly two dozen other Americans who have been killed by the IDF.
Prominent figures in Congress, including Senators Patty Murray and Bernie Sanders along with Representative Pramila Jayapal, have stepped forward, insisting on an independent investigation. As Israeli military operations spread further in the West Bank, the chorus demanding justice and transparency grows louder.
These legislative leaders understand the gravity of the situation and the need for action -- It's clear that Netanyahu and his government cannot be trusted to fully and transparently investigate themselves.
Contact your representatives this week. Urge them to use their power to secure a ceasefire, the return of all remaining hostages, and the free administration of humanitarian aid -- and to put an end to Netanyahu’s war and regional escalations. We must prevent further loss and ensure justice for all innocent civilians, whether US citizens, Israelis or Palestinians.
Indivisible Civics' Powering Progress

Register for Apathy to Action: Crafting Personal Stories to Fight for Our Democracy this Thursday, September 19 at 8pm ET/5pm PT. Personal stories can be one of the best ways to change narratives and drive action, but often, we don’t know how to deliver them. How much should we share? When is the right moment? What’s the most impactful way to frame my story for other people? Come learn how to use compelling and persuasive language to tell your story while tailoring it for specific audiences. We’ll be presenting this event in collaboration with The Opportunity Agenda.
Follow us on Facebook, Mastodon, Threads, and Instagram to keep up on the latest information, and text “INDIVISIBLE” to 59798 to opt-in to our text messaging program, where we send rapid response actions a few times a month.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team