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September 16, 2024
Civics for Democracy
Our Votes Matter
“The vote is precious. It is almost sacred.
It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have in a democracy.”
– John Lewis

Civics literacy is crucial if our nation is to achieve an inclusive, multiracial democracy. The learning journeys and resources in this series can help to develop the civic knowledge, skills and dispositions essential for responsible civic engagement – including the power of the vote.

Our Votes Matter: Action Steps in Planning to Vote
On Nov. 5, millions of people in the United States will use their hard-won right to vote. We, the ordinary citizens, will decide the future of our communities, states and country. This learning resource provides action steps for participating in today’s election process.

The Learning Center is LFJ’s online popular education space for civic and political action learning for everyone (adults, youth and children). This online center continues our Community Justice Sites programming in our Southern states and extends our resources to a national audience. 

In this months newsletter, we share some of the new learning resources and series that are part of the Learning Center. When we “learn for justice,” we center learning to inform our actions for change and progress in our communities.

Come learn with us to strengthen democracy, counter hate and bias and build a more just society.

Learning From the Civil Rights Movement

This new series of learning resources analyzes key concepts and events of the Civil Rights Movement to grow our understanding of the dynamic of people, power and change. This critical election year, remember that the right to vote was achieved through the struggles, risks and sacrifices of ordinary people. Learn from our history, vote and help to mobilize others in your community.

New Learning Resources:

Youth Learning for Justice

Youth Learning for Justice resources can help teens and young adults to learn honest history, understand servant leadership (an approach that focuses on leadership in service of the community) and take steps toward entry into the movement for racial and social justice. 

New Learning Resources:

Growing Together: For Children and Families

When we cultivate the values of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) in young children, we create steppingstones toward resisting hate and strengthening democracy. Growing Together: For Children and Families is LFJ’s new series for learning journeys, stories and book recommendations for children. Families and educators can use these learning resources at home, in community programs or in the classroom.  

New Learning Resources:

Banned Books Week: Sept. 22 to 28, 2024

In support of the freedom to read and learn, we offer our book reviews for adults, youth and children.
Liberation Lit
Learning can help us to resist hate and bias and counter dominant narratives that have traditionally excluded diverse perspectives. These book reviews for adults encourage us all to keep reading and learning together for liberation. 
Reading for Justice: Books for Teens and Young Adults
To build bridges of understanding and celebrate our diversity and shared humanity, let’s read together! We offer some of our favorite book reviews for teens and young adults.
Reading Together: Books for Children
We offer some of our favorite book recommendations for children (elementary to middle grades) that affirm identities, celebrate diversity and highlight justice.
Coming Soon
Learning for Justice Magazine: Dialogue Across Difference

In our current divisive political environment, we must not lose sight of one another’s humanity as we work toward collective action to strengthen our shared democracy.
Our Fall 2024 magazine is coming in October.

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400 Washington Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36104
334-956-8200 | learningforjustice.org

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