According to our records, you've never donated to help take back the House.

We're running out of time to prepare for an historic victory on Election Day -- so we won't mince words: We need your help. Please give us a chance to explain why your first $3 donation is so urgent right now.

MAGA mega-donors are spending nearly $157 MILLION on ads across critical districts in the hopes of defeating our Democrats.

Speaker Emerita Pelosi & Leader Jeffries have BOTH PERSONALLY asked you to help reclaim our Democratic House Majority.

We only have 50 DAYS left to mobilize this grassroots team and deliver a blue victory on Election Day.

At this dire moment, we need grassroots Democrats from PA to step up. If 1,348 of our most loyal supporters rush in a $3 gift to the DCCC now, we could build UNBEATABLE momentum and hand Republicans a STUNNING defeat this year! The choice is yours, John: Will you step up with $3 right now? Or are you counting on other PA Democrats to step up and do the hard work?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $3 immediately >>
Chip in $20.24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

We can’t allow House Republicans to dismantle our democracy and halt our hard-fought progress.

Another two years of GOP leadership means another two years of chaos, crisis, and confusion.

That’s why it’s critical that we rise up to answer this call to action before it’s too late.

Please, John: If 1,348 PA supporters chip in before midnight, we’ll get even closer to reclaiming the House Majority and delivering for working families. What do you say? Please rush in $3 straight away to help the DCCC take back our House Majority. >>

Thank you,


Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>
Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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