From Madeleine Baran <[email protected]>
Subject Join us for weekly Q&As
Date May 2, 2020 1:01 PM
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As a public radio show, your donations are important for funding our journalism. We rely on you, our listeners, giving what you can. Our average gift is $50.

When you give $50 today, you can join our exclusive Facebook group where we&rsquo;re hosting weekly Q&A videos. I'm there, along with Samara, Parker, and the other members of the In the Dark team. And in addition to hosting live Q&As, we'll share what we're reading, watching, and listening to while sheltering in place.

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Give $50 now and join our Facebook Group

It&rsquo;s our way of saying thank you and showing you that when you contribute, you&rsquo;re truly a member of this team.
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Your donation today makes our journalism possible.

Like many newsrooms, we've lost ad revenue and are facing an uncertain future. What sets us apart is your support.

Rigorous journalism and storytelling isn't cheap. We've had high-quality equipment shipped to our homes, where we are recording interviews on our phones.
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Help fund our work and get behind-the-scenes photos and updates when you donate $50 to join our Facebook group today .

My sincere thanks,

Madeleine Baran, Host of In the Dark

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