
I am writing to you today with a disturbed heart and sadness , as we have learned about the disturbing events surrounding another assassination attempt on President Donald Trump. Thank God, he is doing well and unharmed.

Our State and Country is already grappling with division and uncertainty, this act of violence shakes the very core of our souls.

It has come to our attention, after confirming through our system, that the individual responsible, Ryan Roth, hails from Hawaii and is a registered voting Democrat. While this is his designated political affiliation, it’s important to acknowledge that many, even across the aisle, have expressed their outrage and disgust at this kind of behavior. The fundamental question we must ask is, what message are we sending as a nation when political differences are met with violence, in and out of party lines?

We cannot allow ourselves to be divided by political beliefs. To attempt to harm or destroy another person simply because we disagree with them is not only unacceptable but disturbing. This is not just a battle between political ideologies,  it is a battle between good and evil, a challenge to the very values that we, as Americans, hold dear.

Now, more than ever, we must unite as a nation. We are being manipulated, led to turn on one another, which distracts us from seeing the true threats to the future of our country. While we may walk different paths politically, we must remember that our shared love for America binds us together.

Let us not fall prey to these divisive tactics. Instead, let us stand united in peace, in the path of truth, and in the fight for what is good for our country and our future. We must refuse to let hatred, violence, and fear guide us. Let us come together, work together, and pray together for the wellbeing of our nation.

May God bless President Trump, our nation, and may we all strive to restore unity in these troubling times.

With Aloha

Tamara McKay
State Chair, Hawaii Republican Party