
May 2, 2020

To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,

The number of positive cases of reported people with COVID-19 in NYC has reached more than 150,000 this week. Our essential workers are true heroes and I thank each of you for service. We all must continue to remain vigilant in each of our personal efforts to reduce the spread of this virus, so our essential workers are not risking their health in vain. 

Now that spring has arrived, I would like you to remember to remain cautious and still practice social distancing and stay home unless you must leave for essential reasons. It’s important that we make these daily sacrifices to positively impact our community for the long term.

A reminder that my offices in both Brooklyn and Washington D.C. are still teleworking tirelessly. To contact my team with constituent concerns call (718) 287-1142 during business hours.

Thank you to our essential workers who have dedicated themselves to uplifting a community in need. Your efforts do not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

In good health,

Yvette D. Clarke

Member of Congress


Congressional Updates:

Last week, the House passed an interim emergency funding package that will provide the emergency resources that are desperately needed to sustain the life and death fight to protect the lives and livelihoods of the American people.  Democrats flipped this emergency package from an insufficient Republican plan that left behind hospitals and health workers and did nothing to aid the survival of the most vulnerable small businesses on Main Street.  We have achieved a bill that follows the path set by the bipartisan CARES Act with real support:

  • For small businesses: we have strengthened the Paycheck Protection Program with $310 billion in additional funding, with $30 billion reserved for community-based lenders, small banks and credit unions and $30 billion for medium-sized banks and credit unions.  We are expanding small business support beyond PPP by securing $50 billion for SBA disaster lending, translating into more than $350 billion in loans and $10 billion in SBA disaster grants.  We have also secured strong protections to ensure that our nation’s farmers have access to this vital assistance.
  • For hospitals and health care workers: Democrats have secured $75 billion to provide resources to the frontlines, including Personal Protective Equipment.  The Administration has also agreed to key improvements to be made in CARES 2, including significantly lowering the interest rate on advance payments, lengthening the repayment schedule and distributing payments from general revenues not the Hospital Insurance Fund.
  • For all Americans: we have secured $25 billion for testing, which is the key to reopening the economy and resuming our lives.  The Administration has agreed to a national strategic testing policy that will focus on increasing domestic testing capacity including testing supplies.
  • Sadly, in the interim bill, the Administration refused to agree to more funding for state, tribal and local governments on the front lines of this crisis who desperately need an infusion of funds to pay the workers who keep us safe.  However, the President has acknowledged their need and agreed to consider this critical priority in CARES 2.  Our lives and well-being are threatened if our health care, police, fire, EMS, teachers and other vital workers do not have the support that they need, and we will hold the Administration accountable to their promise. 
  • CARES 2 must provide strong support for these essential workers so that they can get paid.  It must also meet workers’ needs with OSHA protections for safety in the workplace, family and medical leave, increased SNAP, full funding for COBRA and a Special Enrollment Period for those without health insurance, and pension support, more Unemployment Insurance and direct payments for those who are struggling.
  • We must protect the American people from deceptive tactics, especially as our great nation battles this pandemic. When consumers call back a missed call, often unaware it’s a robocall, robocallers can collect fees from cell phone carriers. These incurred fees trickle down to consumers on their cell phone bills. The FCC and The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warned consumers of COVID-19 scams cited by the agencies, which include robocall campaigns promoting nonexistent COVID-19 testing kits and HVAC cleaning services. I am pleased that my bill, the “Ending One-Ring Scams Act” is now a part of the solution at the FCC to safeguard consumers from COVID-19 con artists.

NYC Mayor’s Updates:

  • Mayor De Blasio outlined a phased plan to safely reopen New York at the appropriate time, taking a regional approach. Phase one will be to reopen low-risk construction and manufacturing businesses in parts of the state that have experienced a 14-day decline in the hospitalization rate. Phase two will open certain industries based on priority and risk level. (Businesses considered "more essential" with inherent low risks of infection in the workplace and to the customer will be prioritized.) Officials are closely monitoring the hospitalization rate, the infection rate, and other key health indicators, and will make adjustments to the plan based on this crucial data.
  • There will be a two-week waiting period in-between phases of this plan to monitor the effect. This will help ensure that the hospitalizations and infection rates are not increasing as some workers begin to return to work. 
  • Businesses and industries will create plans that include new measures to protect employees and consumers. The physical workplace will have to be reimagined to be safer, and businesses must implement processes that lower the risk of infection. The state is consulting with local leaders in each region and industry to formulate these plans.
  • Multi-state coordination is key, especially in downstate New York, where the outbreak has been more severe. We will work with neighboring states to ensure safe and consistent policies. In downstate New York, special attention will be taken to ensure the safety of low-income communities.
  •  Hospitalizations fall again. Yesterday, the total number of hospitalizations fell to 13,839 — returning to the level of March 31. This is a positive trend, but it is still far higher than we would like to see. We are very saddened to say we lost 367 New Yorkers yesterday — down from 437 the previous day. 
  • The Mayor talked about new testing sites opening today, gave updates on contract tracers to help us interview and identify positive cases, and announced an agreement with the City Council to open streets across NYC.

Making Testing Easier

  • Two big constraints to testing have been how the tests are conducted -- they potentially expose healthcare workers to people who are COVID-19 positive, and they require a lot of PPE. The Mayor announced that H+H sites will be able to start utilizing samples from a nasal swab and saliva, which people can self-administer under medical supervision. This doesn’t mean that people can do tests at home, but it does mean this will allow us to use fewer PPE and protect healthcare workers more from exposure. It will also allow us to test more people, faster -- an estimated increase from 15 to 20 people an hour. Our priority is still testing the most vulnerable, particularly in hardest-hit communities. We do need three things to ramp this up fast: first, private laboratories to process these test results; second, convenience kits from the State of New York so people can do the test at home; and third, more test kits from the Federal government.


Hiring Contact Tracers

  • We are looking to hire 1,000 contact tracers immediately, particularly people with experience in the healthcare field. We will also be training people from a variety of City agencies to complement this work. These contact tracers will interview people who are positive, identify others who may have been exposed, and follow-up with those people in turn to be tested. Hiring will be done through the Fund for Public Health. Please encourage folks to visit for more information, or email [email protected].


Open Streets

  • We are pleased to announce that we have an agreement with the City Council to open streets for non-auto use through sidewalk widening measures, closure of streets near and within parks, closure of streets in partnership with local organizations, new bike lanes, and more. We will be working with the Council to identify a minimum of forty miles of streets to close over the next month, with a large goal of one hundred miles of open street strategies that require minimal staffing resources without jeopardizing safety.


Other Things Happening Now:

  • More Beds for Unsheltered New Yorkers:The City is opening 200 more Safe Haven beds for vulnerable New Yorkers living on the streets and subways in high-need areas. The City is also focusing on offering help at up to 10 end-of-the-line subway stations citywide, with the goal of bringing more unsheltered New Yorkers off the subways amid the COVID-19 crisis. The City is also calling on the MTA to temporarily close stations during the overnight hours from 12:00AM to 5:00AM to allow for more targeted outreach and enhanced sanitization.
  • Face Covering Tips: NYC Health created a short video in four languages with tips on how to properly cover your face and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Link here.
  • Hotel Isolation Program: Community healthcare providers can now refer clients who are COVID positive or COVID-symptomatic and unable to isolate where they live to the hotel isolation program. This is for individuals who do not require medical care and can self-isolate with basic services, including: onsite medical and social services, meals, laundry, phone, internet, daily check-in calls by medical staff, and transportation to and from the hotel as needed. To learn more about the program, visit
  • Grab & Go Meals for All New Yorkers: No one is turned away, and participants are able to pick up three meals. To find a location, text “NYCFOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877 or here: Free Meal Sites.
  • Kosher Meals: The DOE added two additional sites serving Kosher meals, now available at 12 sites: 
    • Boro Park:  PS 160 (5105 Fort Hamilton Parkway)
    • Staten Island: PS 54 (1060 Willowbrook Rd)
    • Halal Meals: Halal meals are available at all 400+ grab-and-go sites and we are adding 25% capacity at 32 DOE sites in neighborhoods with high need during the month of Ramadan (approx. 400,000 meals total across the City). 
  • ACCESS HRA Online Training: In an effort to facilitate greater access to benefits using our online tools, DSS is offering ACCESS HRA training webinars for CBOs and elected official offices. Sign up for upcoming webinars on Cash Assistance, SNAP, or a General Overview here.
  • New York State on PAUSE through 5/15:Non-essential workforce is directed to continue to work from home until at least 5/15.
  • Health Insurance Special Enrollment: Open through 5/15, health insurance enrollment is open for uninsured New Yorkers as part of a Special Enrollment Period: Get Covered
  • NYPD Social Distancing Enforcement: Yesterday, officers visited 2,790 supermarkets and pharmacies, 6,749 bars and restaurants (5,377 closed), 1,066 public places, and 2,681 personal care facilities (2,679 closed). Please let us know if you have any problematic areas in your district! Fines will be up to $1,000. Text photos to 311-692 or use the 311 app to report social distancing complaints.
  • 311 High Call Volume: We want to ensure the highest priority calls are answered as quickly as possible. If you are not calling with an urgent request or to be connected to COVID-19 resources, you can submit a service request online by visiting or by using the 311 app. If you are unable to submit a request online, consider calling off-peak - after 7PM or over the weekend.
  • Resource Guide for Immigrants: The MOIA resource guide for immigrant communities, available here.
  • Help for DACA Recipients: For help renewing your application call ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365. This tweet from Commissioner Mostofi has more information:
  • Financial Empowerment Guidance: Book an appointment with a counselor at the New York City Financial Empowerment Center at DCA - Consumers - Manage Money - Get Free Financial Counseling.
  • Job Opportunities:
    • NYC Health and Hospitals is hiring for several positions - patient transportation, clerical and cleaning staff. You can apply today at   
    • The City of New York is hiring licensed TLC drivers to deliver food to New Yorkers in need during the COVID-19 crisis. Find more information at NYC Food Delivery Driver Portal.
  • NYC COVID-19 Confidential Self-reporting Portal: The COVID-19 Engagement Portal is available in 11 languages and allows New Yorkers to confidentially self-report information to help us both better communicate with affected people and identify areas that may need enhanced response. The portal is also accessible by calling 311.
  • Donate Plasma to The New York Blood Center: H+H is participating in trials using plasma to improve COVID-19 care. Please visit New York Blood Center to schedule an appointment and donate today.
  • Mental Health Resources: This is a stressful time for New Yorkers.  Resources are available for New Yorkers by contacting 1-888-NYC-WELL or Texting “WELL” to 65173.  For more information visit: For other mental health resources, including for veterans and caregivers, visit: Mental Health Support New Yorkers Can Access While Staying Home.
  • Friendly Visiting Program: Older New Yorkers who are feeling isolated can talk with friendly volunteers over the phone. Call: 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469).
  • Family Justice Centers: All of our borough centers are available for help with safety planning, mental health, legal help, or help in connecting to law enforcement agencies by phone. Find more information online: Family Justice Centers or call our 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-4673.
  • As a reminder, vulnerable New Yorkers who have symptoms or questions about COVID-19 can call1-844-NYC-4NYC to connect with a medical provider from Health and Hospitals.

Upcoming Rep. Clarke Virtual Event:

  • During this vulnerable time, we need to do all we can to protect one another from fraud and scams. Join me & guests FTC Commissioner Rohit Chopra and NY Attorney General Tish James for a tele town hall on Protecting Consumers & Small Businesses in the face of coronavirus.