State Team Newsletter

California Sized Victories are Possible in Your State, Too!

Dear NumbersUSA Activists,

Although most of you are not residents of California, the States Team is thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! NumbersUSA's California activists' hard work and perseverance have paid off, as they successfully persuaded Governor Newsom to veto the disastrous AB1840. This victory is a testament to the power of grassroots activism and the unwavering dedication of NumbersUSA to empowering voters to achieve sensible immigration policies!

The journey to this achievement began in early June when NumbersUSA's State Government Relations Team first became aware of the bill and its disastrous consequences for the Golden State. AB1840 aimed to reward illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded zero-interest first-time home loans as part of the California Dream For All Program. A decision that would further burden California's already strained financial situation, reward lawbreakers, and add even more magnets to attract future illegal aliens.

Recognizing the potential urgency of the situation, our team immediately started tracking the progress of AB1840, delving into its intricacies, and educating ourselves about its potential impact. With a clear understanding of the bill's implications, we embarked on a rigorous action plan to rally against AB1840's passage.

Activists like you sprang into action, working to spread awareness about AB1840 within their community and equipping fellow Californians with the knowledge needed to understand its ramifications. Through diligent tracking, online resources, and against-the-clock actioning, we ensured California's legal residents were well-informed about this looming threat.

In the face of this challenge, an action campaign was made for California residents to communicate dissatisfaction with their elected officials, emphasizing the concerns of their community and urging their California Assembly members to reject AB1840. Despite a flood of messages sent by activists, the open-border lobby's death grip on the California General Assembly prevailed and passed AB1840, sending it to Governor Newsom's desk!

Finally, our efforts culminated after another action campaign, this time to the Governor, when Newsom VETOED AB1840, preventing its enactment into law! This victory belongs to each and every one of our California activists who worked tirelessly to safeguard the interests of the Golden State and defend the principles of sensible immigration policy.

As we celebrate this success, it is imperative to remember that our work is not yet complete. The fight against uncontrolled mass illegal immigration continues at every state level, and the importance of capitalizing on future action opportunities cannot be understated. Wrongs can be righted, approaches can be re-evaluated, and change can be brought about when we, as individuals, make our voices heard.

Therefore, it is essential for all our activists to remain vigilant, stay engaged, and continue raising their voices against policies that jeopardize the quality of life owed to legal residents of our nation. Together, we can continue making a positive impact by championing responsible immigration measures that benefit citizens and legal permanent residents first.

We are immensely proud of each member's contribution to this significant accomplishment in California! And for those outside the Golden State, let this victory be an example of continued dedication to making your voice heard through NumbersUSA's state and federal-level action alerts, which give your elected officials no choice but to listen to YOU.

It is through our combined efforts that we can uphold the values of Representative Barbara Jordan's U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Let's celebrate this success and channel our energy toward advocating for a more sensible immigration policy that better serves the national interest.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment,

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