Folks, we need to talk about Project 2025 — or as I like to call it, the Handmaid’s Tale prequel, because advocating for “menstrual surveillance” might just be the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard.
If you can, chip in a couple of bucks to help me reject these entitled MAGA weirdos and put a pro-choice, pro-science House majority back in the driver’s seat.
Let’s talk about menstrual surveillance and the MAGA vision for reproductive rights in America.
J.D. “Jelly Donuts” Vance wants to enact the most Orwellian forms of reproductive control imaginable:
- Banning abortion nationwide
- Handing women’s private medical records over to local sheriffs and prosecutors
- Allowing women to be imprisoned for seeking legal abortion care out-of-state
- Between this and his bizarre obsession with banning childless people from voting, someone should teach this guy to mind his own business.
Project 2025’s authors plan to stop abortions by carefully surveilling the periods, pregnancies, and pregnancy-related complications of every single reproductive-aged woman in America:
- Require doctors to report every abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and incidental pregnancy loss from medical treatments like chemo to the federal government
- Revoke HIPAA protections
- Allow states to surveil patients and doctors
- Track and punish women who travel out-of-state for abortion care
- Force the CDC to conduct “abortion surveillance” to prevent people from being “targeted” by abortion providers (a thing that has literally never happened).
Do these MAGA-obsessed, mustache-twirling creeps ever second-guess the pure B.S. they spew all day long? I’m guessing not. They can’t be bothered to come up with a platform on healthcare, climate change, paid family leave, childcare, workers’ rights, or gun violence, but they will take on the tough issues that only exist in the deepest, darkest recesses of the right-wing rabbit hole.
Seriously, team, these are just not reasonable people.
These are people who think their personal preferences supersede science. Their platform is “freedom for me, not for thee.” And it’s high time we vote them out for good.
If you can, join my fight to make sure “menstrual surveillance” and reproductive control NEVER become the norm in this country. Chip in $25 or whatever you can to put reasonable, science-accepting leaders back in charge of Congress.
— Sean