In Montana, your word is your bond. And you know me, I won’t make a promise I can’t keep.

I can’t promise you with 100% certainty that we’re going to win this race, but I can promise you this:

If you split a donation of $32 between my campaign and Seth Moulton before our midnight deadline, it will increase our chances of winning.


We needed to report our best fundraising numbers ever this week, but the unfortunate reality is that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Our fundraising fell off a cliff at the worst possible moment. Our opponents are spending nearly $90 million to attack me and drag down this campaign. But there’s still time to make up the difference and get back on track.

Can I personally count on you to make a split $32 donation between my campaign and Seth Moulton before the end of the day? The sooner you pitch in, the more we can do with your contribution. I appreciate it.

Only a few weeks left. We can do this.

Thank you,


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Seth Moulton for Congress
PO Box 2013
Salem, MA 01970
United States


Paid for by Seth Moulton for Congress


Contributions to Seth Moulton For Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. An individual or federal PAC may contribute up to $3,300 per election; $6,600 per cycle. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal government contractors, and foreign nationals (non-citizens without “green cards”) are prohibited. Federal law requires our best efforts to obtain and report the name, address,occupation, and employer of individual contributors.