Many of the activists who came before us are still standing with us. They made the decision to remember Survival in their will, cementing their part in the fight forever. This week is Remember A Charity Week – a week highlighting the importance of leaving gifts in wills to charity, and encouraging people to think about what they want their legacy on this earth to be. You may have signed petitions, attended demonstrations, or donated to ensure Indigenous peoples’ rights are upheld. Your action has helped put an end to logging and mining on tribal lands, stop government violence and oppression, and even prevent genocide. But our fight is far from over, so why stop there? If you believe in a world where Indigenous and tribal peoples can be in control of their land and free to choose how they live, you can stay in the fight. By leaving a gift in your will – large or small – you can strengthen the movement and make sure it’s here for as long as it’s needed.