Nearly 6 million donkeys are savagely butchered every single year to produce a gelatin from their hides that’s used in cosmetics and supplements.
Donkeys are dragged by their ears or tails into cramped trucks and their heads bashed in by sledgehammers. Some are even skinned alive. We can stop this horror.
The cruel donkey gelatin trade is booming. But a new law could ban the import and export of donkey gelatin in the US – if we can ratchet up the pressure to get it introduced.
With all of us chipping in a little we could commission independent polling showing just how much support there is for banning this cruel trade, run ads targeting key decision-makers lobbying them to reintroduce this lifesaving bill, and brief journalists to get this all over the media.
If we can get the US to ban this horrific trade, other countries could soon follow. Can you chip in to save millions of donkey from torture?
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African governments just agreed to a continent-wide ban on killing donkeys for their skins. And Brazil is acting too. Now, we have a chance to get the US to put its might behind this global effort and wield its significant influence to trigger similar bans in other countries.
This horror trade is fueled by unproven claims that the gelatin in donkey skins, called ejiao, has youth and health-enhancing properties. The hides are boiled down and the gelatin is turned into bars, powder, or pills to be sold at sky-high prices.
It’s gotten so out of control that HALF of the donkeys in Kenya are thought to have been killed in just three years.
The knock-on effects for communities in the global south are devastating. Donkeys are snatched from families that depend on them, to be skinned, or shipped across borders in cramped and sweltering conditions. And when donkeys are taken, women and children bear the brunt of the extra work, blocking their ability to earn money or go to school.
There’s no excuse for the US to keep silently co-signing this harmful cycle. With all of us chipping in we can ratchet up the pressure to get the US to end its complicity in this cruel trade.
John, that’s why it’s so important we act now. More than 178,000 have already signed our petition calling on Amazon to stop this horrowshow, but with your help, we can do so much more – using well-honed campaign tactics to amp up the pressure until the US bans this torture trade. Are you in?
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