From Discovery Institute, Center on Human Exceptionalism <[email protected]>
Subject Combating COVID-19 Amid a Culture of Death
Date May 2, 2020 12:05 AM
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A global pandemic seems to be a good reminder that all life is worth preserving. Yet, activists pushing disturbing end-of-life practices seem as emboldened as ever. 

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May 1, 2020

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Coronavirus: Triage if Necessary, Health-Care Rationing, Never ([link removed])
If doctors must refuse needed care, morality and maintaining the people’s trust require that they always be executed in a manner wholly consistent with upholding the equal moral worth of all patients. In other words, decisions to withhold or withdraw treatments — chance for life or likelihood of death — should never be predicated on invidious distinctions, such as race, sex, wealth, age, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

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Argentinian Doctor Sentenced to Prison for Refusing to Terminate Pregnancy ([link removed])
Now in Argentina, the right to obtain an abortion has been declared so
fundamental that an objecting M.D. can be held criminally culpable for
refusing to terminate a pregnancy.

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China, the Virus, and the Imperative to Build for Tomorrow ([link removed])
We have shut down much of our country in response to a virus that we
saw devastate Wuhan and northern Italy, but we do not seem to know
what to do next. This is partly because those who lived through similarly serious pandemics, like the Spanish Flu, are no longer with us. But the greater problem is the one Marc Andreessen addresses: because we have forgotten how to “build,” we are struggling to imagine how we will lead ourselves out of lockdown and back to normal life.

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Taiwain 'Didn't Trust Either the Chinese Government or the Head of the World Health Organization' ([link removed])
Why has Taiwan done so well in combating COVID-19 — this pestilence that the press initially was calling the “Chinese coronavirus” or “Wuhan virus”? Simple: Taiwan’s leadership assumed everything it was hearing was a lie.

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Biden's Coronavirus Adviser Wants to Die at 75 ([link removed])
Ezekiel Emanuel — a prime architect of Obamacare — is the most famous
person on Joe Biden's Public Health Advisory Committee. Why is that important? Emanuel made headlines a few years ago writing in _The Atlantic _that he wants to die at age 75 — younger than Biden is today — and he thinks we should want that too.

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Making Something Lawful Creates a Market for It ([link removed])
Activists pushing suicide by physician—suicide by overdose—are attempting to create what is ultimately a meaningless distinction between “planned” and “unplanned” suicides by the sick and other self-killings in order to valorize the former while still loosely pretending to stigmatize the latter.

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