Trump-appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is running USPS into the ground.
Since DeJoy took over USPS in 2020, he’s set it on a disastrous path to privatization that’s caused mail delivery to slow and prices to skyrocket. And he’s just released an outrageous new plan to reduce rural mail service EVEN MORE.
Bernie’s been shouting from the rooftops for years that DeJoy has got to go, and this latest move makes it clear we have to act now. Will you stand with Bernie and call on the USPS Board of Governors to fire DeJoy, before it’s too late to save the postal service?

Louis DeJoy is the first postmaster general in two decades with NO prior USPS experience, and it’s no secret why he got the job – he’s a Republican mega-donor who wrote massive checks to Trump.
DeJoy has tried to run USPS like a for-profit company, jacking up prices, closing down essential locations, and slashing hours for rural employees. Now all of us are paying the price as we experience delays on everything from prescription drugs to social security checks to passports.
USPS is a vital public service that we have to be able to rely on to deliver essential mail on time. It’s especially important for rural and indigenous communities where for-profit companies refuse to do business because they don’t make enough of a profit. And as millions of Americans vote by mail in the coming weeks, delays or lost ballots could be disastrous.
DeJoy’s plan to privatize this essential public service must be stopped. And the USPS Board of Governors is the only body with the power to fire him. Will you stand with Bernie and join the urgent call to fire DeJoy NOW?
Earlier this year, Bernie and 30 other Democratic Senators sent a letter to DeJoy warning him to change course and stop USPS changes or closures that would result in job losses and slower mail. Then Republicans even started raising concerns as their constituents reported major delays.
In July, the Postal Service Board of Governors joined in, calling on DeJoy to halt his disastrous plan to shrink the post office. But he plowed ahead anyway, daring to announce even MORE cuts that will slow rural mail delivery even more.
It couldn’t be clearer that DeJoy won’t stop unless he’s removed – so let’s overwhelm USPS’s board with calls to fire DeJoy and save USPS.
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