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Dear John

As a result of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation, our planning system may be getting the biggest shake-up in years. We've consulted with local CPREs, supporters, and members and have set out five ways in which the NPPF can be improved. Keep reading to find out more.

In other news, we've got the results of an exclusive poll with YouGov about access to the countryside. This is timely research, as some local CPREs ran events for their first ever Countryside Day on 7 September. You can find out more below.

Finally, you can find out more about Jess, a CPRE volunteer who is bringing a youth voice to planning, along with a case study about Lune Valley Community Land Trust – delivering affordable housing for local people.

Our planning system is changing: here's how we want to shape it


The new government has quickly placed planning reform in the crosshairs in their drive for change, launching a NPPF consultation within just a few weeks of assuming office. We need more houses, and we need rapid rollout of clean energy – but neither needs to come at the expense of our countryside and green spaces. Find out more about how we’re influencing this consultation, and why it matters – to us all.

Majority of people value access to the countryside, CPRE/YouGov polling reveals 


Our recent research with YouGov showed that the vast majority (85%) of people in Great Britain value having access to the countryside close to where they live. The government has already begun making decisions that will shape our countryside for generations to come – we’re calling on them to make good on their promises to protect the countryside, including the Green Belt.

CPRE's 'Countryside Day' pilot launched


On Saturday 7 September 2024, a group of local CPREs hosted their own Countryside Day, as part of a pilot aimed at establishing an annual event for CPRE. This brand-new public event is a celebration of all things wonderful about our countryside, and helping more people connect with it. You can find out about the events that took place below.

Find out more about the Lune Valley Community Land Trust


As part of our rural affordable housing campaign, we’ve spoken to people across the country – both those who have been affected by it, and those who are working towards solutions. We spoke to Charles at the Lune Valley Community Land Trust to find out more about how they’re delivering affordable, sustainable homes for local people.

Providing a youth perspective on planning


We’re always grateful for the work that CPRE volunteers do for our countryside and rural communities. Recently, Jess, a planning volunteer at CPRE Lancashire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester, shared her experiences with us, and why she thinks it’s important to get more young people involved in planning.

This is a critical time to join CPRE


With a new government in power seeking planning reform, this is a critical time for our countryside. By joining as a CPRE member, not only will you benefit from discounts at some of our most beautiful gardens, country houses and attractions, but you’ll be helping us give the countryside and rural communities a voice. From hedgerows to planning democracy, we’ve racked up countless wins for the countryside – and with your support, we can do even more.


Best wishes,


Lewis Townsend

Communications Manager

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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