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Opening the Door

Today, Governor Eric Holcomb announced his plan to get Indiana safely back on track -- which I think may be the best state reopening plan in the entire country. It's well-thought out, comprehensive, and data-driven. 

Starting this Monday, most of the state will enter Phase Two (Marion, Lake and Cass counties will see a slight delay) social gatherings of 25 people can take place and retail businesses can operate at 50% capacity. In-person religious services can begin again May 8. And restaurants (at 50% capacity) and hair salons and similar businesses can begin by-appointment, in-person services on May 11.

You can read the full plan here. It's certainly exciting news as Indiana opens the door on the next steps of recovery.

But that's not the only exciting news we've seen this week. 

Yesterday, I was pleased to announce that I reached a deal with WISH-TV president and CEO DuJuan McCoy that will bring our state convention in June to the airwaves!

WISH-TV and its news partners across the state will air our convention live, giving all Hoosiers the opportunity to see our Party of Purpose at work. The convention will also be livestreamed, allowing Hoosiers outside of WISH-TV and its partners’ viewing areas to see our party at work and be even more engaged in our state’s future.

In whatever form our convention eventually takes, WISH-TV will have access.

Just like Governor Holcomb is working to open the door to our state, we’re opening the door to our party in new and exciting ways. And I know that together, both our state and our party will emerge stronger than ever before.

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Getting Indiana Back on Track

Today, Governor Holcomb announced his measured, data-driven, comprehensive plan to get Indiana back to work and back on track in a way that's safe and remains vigilant about protecting Hoosiers' health.

This plan has five stages, with stage two beginning on Monday for most Hooisers and continuing through the next three weeks. Stage two includes:

  • Hoosiers 65+ & those with high-risk conditions should remain home
  • May 4 - Lifting essential travel restrictions & allowing gatherings of 25 people
  • May 4 - Retail stores, shopping malls and commercial businesses can open at 50% capacity
  • May 11 - Restaurants can open at 50% capacity
  • May 11 - Personal services may also open by appointment only
  • Office workers should continue working remotely if possible

If the guiding principles of this plan continue to look good -- including numbers of hospitalizations, surge capacity, availability of testing and expanded contact tracing -- then we should complete these five stages July 4. However, that will require the work of all Hoosiers!

You can read the full plan and all the dates here.

But that’s not all that happened this week. On Tuesday, Governor Holcomb also announced a new statewide partnership that will allow for all symptomatic Hoosiers—or anyone who has encountered a symptomatic person—to get tested. They’re setting up 20 testing sites in the next few days, with plans to grow this to 50 test sites very soon. This will expand testing capacity by 30,000 additional tests per week throughout Indiana! You can read more about this exciting news here.

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Thank you to every Hoosier who is doing his or her part to stop the spread of the coronavirus and flatten the curve. We're #INThisTogether, and we're getting #BackOnTrack!
Welcome Home, Vice President Mike Pence!
Yesterday, Governor Holcomb joined Vice President Mike Pence in Kokomo to tour the General Motors facility. Together with medical device company Ventec Life Systems, in just 17 days they’ve retooled, trained workers and sourced materials to start producing life-saving ventilators! They’ve already produced 600, with plans to produce 30,000 ventilators by the end of August. And they’re all made in Indiana!

“It’s almost miraculous, but for the fact that it’s Hoosiers that came running.” – Governor Eric Holcomb

“Standing here in the Hoosier State… I couldn’t be more inspired. And I wanted to say thank you, not just as your vice president, but as a fellow Hoosier.” – Vice President Mike Pence

In difficult times, Hoosiers have always stepped up to the challenge -- including this life-saving work! Thank you!
Primary Election Resources
Early in-person voting begins in less than a month (May 26)! Are you ready? Make sure you’re ready for Indiana’s June 2 primary by:
  • Visiting to make sure your voter registration is up to date (the deadline to update it is this Monday).
  • You can review your ballot, and check to see the location of your polling place.
  • If you’d like to vote absentee, you can now request your ballot online.
For a list of upcoming election deadlines and for instructions on how to request an absentee ballot, visit your new Indiana Republican Resource Page here.

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb tours the Kokomo GM plant with Vice President Pence
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch announces additional COVID-19 response recipients
Senator Todd Young discusses possibility of reopening state in town hall meeting
Senator Mike Braun says businesses must be reopened in a smart way
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski helps reduce drug costs as part of CARES Act    
Congressman Jim Banks applauds signing of Student Veteran Coronavirus Response Act 
Congressman Jim Baird agrees with Trump's order to keep meat processors open
Congresswoman Susan Brooks works to make sure veterans receiving helpful resources
Congressman Greg Pence talked with WLBC on governments response to COVID-19
Congressman Larry Bucshon pushes for more oversight within Bureau of Prisons
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth promotes Indiana coronavirus testing sites

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