The Clinician’s Voice:
Immigration Policy, Raids, and Rhetoric, Mass Shootings Affect Care
Almost every week, a policy change, a world event, or even just a tweet shifts the ground beneath our patients’ already-unsteady feet. Each tremor can bring fear, confusion, and uncertainty to the surface. In the last week, clinicians in El Paso and Ohio cared for victims of mass shootings, but how do mass shootings affect the daily lives of our patients and their mental health? The Trump Administration’s announcement of public charge comes as little surprise to advocates who have been abreast of the issue, but how will it affect the health of patients who are eligible for benefits but refuse to use them and go untreated? Last week’s immigration raid in Mississippi was the largest in US history, and unveiled on the national stage a new and disturbing way to separate parents and children. How does this impact the health and well-being of workers without authorization to work, hundreds or thousands of miles away from Mississippi?

Now, it’s your turn. In the last week, mass shootings, immigration raids, and the announcement of public charge have dominated headlines. But these events and policies are felt at the local level.

How have these events affected your community?

Share a patient’s story with us,* demonstrating the health implications in your community of this last week’s events. Are the events related? Are some communities untouched? We will share your stories on our blog and on social media. Email Claire Hutkins Seda at [email protected].

*Patient anonymity is honored in compliance with HIPAA and to provide security for the patient. Names, locations, and any identifying details will be changed or anonymized to protect patient identity.
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