Kelly Loeffler is spending MILLIONS to try to surpass Matt in the polls, but he's holding strong.

BREAKING: Kelly Loeffler is polling just ONE POINT behind Matt

A new poll shows Matt Lieberman ahead of Kelly Loeffler – but it’s a tight race, and Loeffler is spending MILLIONS from her personal fortune to catch up to Matt.

Rush $10 now to help Democrats keep a strong lead on Kelly Loeffler.


A new poll shows Matt Lieberman in the lead against unelected Sen. Kelly Loeffler.

But it’s a tight race, and Kelly Loeffler will do whatever it takes to surpass Matt – even if it means spending $20 MILLION of her own fortune to buy this seat.

If we want any chance at flipping this Georgia seat blue and taking back the Senate for Democrats, we need to hold our own against the Republican money machine and be strong with Matt, the Democratic frontrunner in this race.

Our lead is encouraging, but we’re at risk of falling behind without your continued support. Will you rush $10 or whatever you can to help us share our message with voters throughout Georgia, so Matt can secure a greater lead on Loeffler and flip this seat blue?

We’re at a make or break moment in this race, and we need to rally around the Democratic candidate with the best chance of defeating Kelly Loeffler. But there are thousands of Georgians who have yet to hear Matt’s message, and we urgently need to expand our voter outreach and digital strategy accordingly.

Matt is ready to get to work on day one fighting for every Georgian, but he can’t do that without your support -- donate right now to help us reach voters across the state.

Together, we can turn Georgia blue, take back the Senate majority, and create real change in Washington.

Thank you,

Team Lieberman


Matt Lieberman
Matt Lieberman is running for the U.S. Senate to change a broken Washington and get things done for the people of Georgia. Chip in now to help us win in Georgia, flip the Senate, and build a better future for our families.

Matt Lieberman for Senate
2451 Cumberland Pkwy SE Ste 3486
Atlanta, GA 30339
United States