News from Representative Betty McCollum


September 13, 2024


Dear Fourth District Constituent,


This week, we observed the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The United States endured an unimaginable tragedy on that day, one we must never forget. We continue to honor those who died, the courage of the heroes who responded, and the American people whose spirit lives on. 

As we look to the future, we must remain vigilant about the threats we face around the world and here at home. In the face of extremism, terrorism, and foreign interference in our democracy, we must stand together as one nation to defend our values. Our shared commitment to freedom, opportunity, fairness, and democracy is greater than the forces that aim to instill division and fear among us. We will not allow our American ideals to be extinguished by any actor, foreign or domestic.


Update from Washington


Republican Chaos Leaves Unfinished Business and a Shutdown Threat


On Monday, Members of Congress returned to Washington to complete our constitutional obligation to fund the federal government by September 30th. Unfortunately, with just days left before federal funding expires, for the second year in a row House Republicans have again failed to complete this work, passing only 5 of the 12 funding bills required to keep the federal government open. This week, Speaker Johnson was forced to postpone a vote on legislation he negotiated with extreme MAGA Republicans who are threatening to shut down the government unless we pass a bill making it more difficult for Americans to vote.

Enough with this nonsense. Working families, small businesses, and local governments cannot afford even the threat of a government shutdown.

Americans need and deserve an honest, responsible, and bipartisan solution on a continuing resolution to fund federal agencies, or we will be forced into a government shutdown. Americans are relying on Republicans to work with Democrats to fulfill our constitutional responsibility to fund their government. Failing to do so will harm this nation’s children and families, our service members and veterans, our seniors and our next generation, and all those who depend on the services and investments our government provides. Just as they did last year, Republicans controlling the House have placed our country in a completely avoidable situation. This ongoing chaos and uncertainty has real consequences for the American people.


Washington Journal on C-SPAN

ImageOn Thursday, I joined Washington Journal on C-SPAN to discuss the government funding deadline, the importance of averting a Republican government shutdown, and to talk about my priorities for the Defense Appropriations committee. I also took live questions from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who called to share their point of view. To watch the segment, click here.  


Agriculture Sub-committee Hears from Tribal Leaders on Food Shortages 

On Wednesday, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies, held an oversite hearing on severe food distribution shortages in tribal and elderly communities. The Honorable Darrel Seki Sr, Chairman of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, gave testimony on the food shortage crisis caused by the US Department of Agriculture's consolidation of warehouses supporting the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). Thank you Chairman Seki for highlighting USDA's responsibility to uphold treaty obligations & support food sovereignty. 


Introducing Legislation to Expand Animal Welfare Protections with the CARE Act

For months, my office has heard from dozens of Minnesotans reporting serious health and safety hazards arising from SeaQuest, an animal exhibitor in Roseville. Across the United States, bad-faith exhibitors and breeders can exploit many animal species for profit and avoid scrutiny from the federal government, because current federal law does not include protections for the welfare of cold-blooded animals (e.g. fish, reptiles, amphibians, and cephalopods).  Despite rampant issues that endanger these animals, employees, and visitors at these facilities, federal inspectors lack the authority to hold these bad actors accountable. So this week, I did something about it: I introduced the Cold-blooded Animal Research and Exhibition (CARE) Act (H.R. 9571) to empower the USDA to regulate these businesses to ensure that animals and humans are safe. 


Introducing: The Minnesota Frost


Our professional women's hockey team formerly known as PWHL Minnesota, who won the inaugural Walter Cup championship, have a new name and logo! The Minnesota Frost will look to defend their title, with the season kicking off this November and going until May. 


Stay in touch: Voice your policy opinion, ask for help with a federal agency, or find all of my recent statements at






Betty McCollum
Member of Congress


Washington D.C. Office
2426 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6631
St. Paul Office
661 LaSalle St. Suite #110
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Phone: (651) 224-9191
Fax: (651) 224-3056


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