
There was a certain period in my life that I was one of those people who subscribed to the notion that, “My vote doesn’t count!” And it wasn’t the younger me that felt that way. I was married, had a family and was working every day. It wasn’t until I got active with my Union that I came around to my senses.


It was my Union leadership that educated me, reminded me that when I don’t vote I leave it to others who may or may not have mine and my family’s best interests at heart, to make decisions that affect us in our daily lives.


Understanding that as Union Members we have even more at stake than the average non-union worker. That as Union Members we choose not to passively stand by to accept the status quo, but rather stand with our sibling Union Members to exercise our collective strength and voices to fight for what is rightfully ours, good wages, benefits, safe work environments and dignity and respect in the workplace. And understanding that as Union Members, it is more than just our right to vote, it is our responsibility!


When casting your vote, don’t forget the importance of down-ballot races! These races include critical local positions like city council, school boards, and state legislatures, as well as ballot measures that directly impact our communities. Often, these local representatives and measures shape decisions on:

  • Public Education
  • Worker protections and wages
  • Healthcare access
  • Infrastructure investments
  • Public safety and emergency services

Every vote counts at every level! By voting down-ballot, you’re making your voice heard in the decisions that affect your daily life and the future of our state. 


Key Voting Dates: 

  • Sept. 17th - National Voter Registration Day
  • Oct. 7th - Voter Registration Deadline
  • Oct. 9th - Early Voting Begins & Early Ballots Mailed to Voters
  • Oct. 25th - Last Day to Mail Back Your Ballot
  • Nov. 1st - Last Day to Vote Early In-Person
  • Nov. 5th - ELECTION DAY

Get More Information at










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