DID YOU KNOW: When Donald Trump was president, the GOP’s only legislative “accomplishment” was passing a massive tax cut for corporations and the ultra-wealthy?
Seriously, that’s it. They didn’t pass any legislation to protect our children from gun violence, protect our constitutional rights, combat the climate crisis, or lower costs for families.
House Republicans are wildly out of touch with working families in Kentucky and around the country, and they’re signaling that if they win in November, things will be even worse.
I need your help making sure they lose, John, and that starts with defending blue seats like mine in KY-03. Can I count on you to pitch in $25 to give Democrats our best shot at flipping the House?
The GOP has already told us what they’ll do if they win, because it’s all laid out in black and white in Project 2025:
They’ll further restrict reproductive rights, ban abortion, and threaten things like IVF.
They’ll gut the EPA, get rid of regulatory agencies, and ignore the climate crisis.
They’ll get rid of DACA, abandoning Dreamers.
They’ll replace tens of thousands of civil servants with Trump loyalists.
They’ll stack the courts with far-right judges.
On top of all that, Trump has already said that he’d give corporations and the ultra-wealthy ANOTHER massive tax cut, while working families foot the bill.
We cannot allow the GOP to keep the House majority, which is why I need your help right away. Will you please pitch in $25 to help keep KY-03 blue and retake the House for Democrats on Election Day?
Morgan McGarvey