Exciting Update As We Approach Election Day!

Dear Friend,

As we get closer to Election Day, I’m thrilled to share some great news with youThe Hill’s House Forecast now shows a 93% chance of us winning in TX-28—an even higher chance than last month!

This campaign is more than just numbers; it’s about ensuring our community continues to have a strong voice in Washington. I’ve worked tirelessly to bring real results to our district—securing funding for critical infrastructure projects, fighting for better healthcare access, and protecting our border. I believe in a future where our district thrives, and that’s why I’m committed to keeping up the fight for our shared values.

But we can’t let up now—every day counts. Your support has brought us this far, and I’m reaching out to ask for your help in keeping the momentum going. Whether it’s through a donation, volunteering, or spreading the word, every bit helps.

Let’s keep pushing forward to victory!

Best regards,

Henry Cuellar
U.S. Congressman
Texas 28th