Dear Friend, |
Behind every one of our victories is a story. |
Each quarter, we are excited to show you some of the results of our legal advocacy and grassroots partnerships across the country. Thank you for making all of this possible! |
Whales and Sea Turtles Win Protections From Offshore Drilling in Court Decision |
The United States District Court for the District of Maryland struck down a flawed federal agency assessment that had previously allowed oil drillers to kill 13,000 rare sea turtles every year. The decision affirms that the government cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the widespread, persistent harms that offshore oil and gas development inflicts on wildlife. |
Court Throws Out Oil and Gas Lease That Threatened Beluga Whales |
In a massive victory for our climate and for endangered beluga whales and sea otters, a federal district court judge overturned an offshore oil-and-gas lease sale in Alaska’s Cook Inlet. Lease Sale 258 would have opened nearly a million acres of federal waters to the fossil fuel industry, potentially locking in decades of future oil and gas drilling. The lease was originally cancelled in May 2022, but was reinstated in a concession to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. |
Court Upholds Win For Salmon Against Deadly Dam |
In a vindication for the Puyallup Tribe, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court order requiring a portion of the Electron dam to be removed. The dam obstructs the Puyallup River in Washington state, harming Chinook salmon, steelhead, and bull trout, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The decision will allow the Puyallup River to flow naturally for the first time in more than 100 years. |

Earthjustice 50 California Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94111 |
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Photo Credits (top to bottom): Irina K. / Shutterstock; Phil Roeder / CC BY 2.0; bpperry / Getty Images |