Reopen Texas Plan Starts Today, Read Church Reopening FAQ

Governor Greg Abbott announced a plan this week to begin reopening Texas that introduced a 3-phase plan to help get Texans back to work and open churches. Governor Abbott’s Executive Order that required everyone in the state of Texas to shelter in place was allowed to expire yesterday. Today, May 1, the state has entered Phase 1 of the plan that includes allowing retail stores, restaurants, movie theatres, and malls to reopen provided that these businesses limit their occupancy to no more than 25% of their capacity.

Governor Abbott also confirmed that churches can have in-person services, and Attorney General Ken Paxton provided updated specific guidelines for churches that you can read here. Rev. Dave Welch with the Texas Pastor Council has put together a helpful Texas Church Reopening FAQ based on the updated guidance from Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton. This includes clarifying that churches are NOT bound by the 25% capacity limitation, but instead each church’s seating capacity is limited by the individual logistics of available space using social distancing guidelines for churches.



SAVE THE DATE: #GivingTuesdayNow is Next Tuesday, May 5th

Next Tuesday, May 5 is #GivingTuesdayNow - new global day of giving and unity to support nonprofit causes that you believe in. This is your chance to join with your brothers and sisters across Texas and the world to financially support organizations, like Texas Values, that you are passionate about as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

During this unprecedented crisis, Texas Values has been hard at work helping defeat Planned Parenthood and save unborn children, educating and equipping churches and pro-life pregnancy centers, and defending Texas school children from radical sex education. We hope your will consider supporting Texas Values this coming Tuesday and join in our mission of standing for biblical values across our great state. Get an early start – donate today!



FB Live With Sen. Hughes & Rep. Krause

This week, Texas Values hosted another "How Coronavirus Is Affecting Your Texas Values" special Facebook Live with State Sen. Bryan Hughes and State Rep. Matt Krause. Texas Values team members Jonathan Saenz, Mary Elizabeth Castle, and our newest team member Jonathan Covey talked with Sen. Hughes and Rep. Krause about important updates for churches, businesses, and pro-life issues.


FRC Expert Joins Texas Values Report

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz spoke with David Closson, Director of Christian Ethics & Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council. Texas Values is the state family policy council in Texas recognized by the Family Research Council. Jonathan and David discussed important COVID-19 related updates impacting churches. You can watch the live streamed video of the program.



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220