Dear John,

We issued the
May Day Challenge to honor the frontline workers battling Covid-19. We asked, and you delivered! You contributed music, video, artwork, face masks, and even a recipe for a sweet tweet.

This Week at CPUSA: The pandemic is uniting us, despite the naysayers who are not taking the virus seriously.

Read the Party’s response to this week’s violent attack on the Cuban embassy.

The new Marxist IQ commemorates the first International Workers Day.

A young comrade commemorates May Day with this article on what solidarity means to him.

The pandemic has brought out the issue of universal basic income (UBI). The pros and cons are discussed here.

The Specter Podcast explores the life of Claudia Jones, Black Communist and astounding writer, journalist, and theorist.

The Progressive Party of Working People in Cyprus, or AKEL, commemorates the legacy of V. I. Lenin.

The next Marxist Class will be held on May 17 and feature Tony Pecinovsky author of Let Them Tremble: Biographical Interventions Marking 100 Years of the Communist Party, USA. Register to attend the webinar and receive a recording.

We urge you to keep up with the physical distancing, but stay socially close.


In solidarity,

Website Collective


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New York, NY 10011
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