Hi there, I’m Matt Meyer. Tuesday night, I officially became the Democratic nominee for governor of Delaware!
If you believe that our kids deserve the best possible public schools, that reproductive rights must be protected, that families deserve every chance at a good paying job, and that housing must be safe and affordable for all in Delaware and in states across the country – then will you rush $3 – or more – right now to be split between my campaign and the Democratic Governors Association? It’s time to get to work.
Team, this is my first time reaching out, so I want to tell you a bit more about myself and my story.
The world looks a whole lot different depending on where you stand. From growing up in Wilmington to serving as a diplomat in a country devastated by war, creating two small businesses, and teaching middle-school math in neighborhoods that are too often left behind – no matter where I’ve stood or what role I’ve had, if something was broken, I’ve always tried to make it better.
That’s why, for the past seven years, I have worked to prove government can still work for the people – delivering real results for real people and making real progress for Delaware’s working families.
Now, I’m running for Governor because I want Delaware to be a state where every kid gets a great education, where every family has a safe neighborhood they can afford to call home, and every woman makes decisions about her own body.
I know we can get there, but not if my right-wing agenda opponent wins. Republican Mike Ramone is wrong for Delaware, and out-of-touch with the needs of working families. His record says it all: in the legislature, Ramone voted to keep criminal penalties for women seeking abortions and opposed codifying Roe v. Wade. He prioritized slashing taxes for the wealthiest and shifting the burden to the middle class, while opposing raising the state’s minimum wage and expanding paid family leave.
We need to work together over the next 54 days to power this movement that we’re building for the future of Delaware’s and beyond.
So please, will you chip in a donation of $3 or more before midnight to be split between my campaign and the Democratic Governors Association?
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between DGA and Matt Meyer will go through immediately. All donations to the DGA will be matched up to our goal:
Thank you all for joining this people-powered movement. Now let’s win this thing!
Matt Meyer
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