We don’t know how to explain this.

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

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Team, we need to show you this screenshot we just took of our ActBlue dashboard.

Graph showing donations falling from June-September

See those blue lines? Those represent the number of donations we’ve received to Mikie’s campaign. We don’t know how to explain it, but they’ve fallen off a cliff this month. With less than two months until Election Day, we need to turn this around ASAP.

Will you rush in $10 to help us get back on track? Our FINAL end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day is in just a few weeks, and we can’t afford to fall flat before we report our donations to the FEC.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This couldn’t come at a more challenging moment for our campaign.

  • Last week, we launched our first TV ad of the election cycle — a huge accomplishment, but one that put a significant dent in our budget.
  • And if we don’t make up that gap in our budget, we could be forced to scale back our voter outreach plans.
  • To make matters worse, September 30th marks our last quarterly fundraising deadline before Election Day, when we’ll need to report our fundraising numbers to the FEC. National Republicans will almost surely look at our public report once it’s released, and if they think we look vulnerable enough, they could start dipping into their massive war chest to launch attack ads targeting Mikie — just like they’ve done in every reelection race she’s run.

The good news? This grassroots team has helped us bounce back dozens of times before — and right now could be one of those times.

So please, rush in $10 before midnight to help us close the gap and ensure we can go full speed ahead before November.

Thanks for stepping up,

Team Mikie