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I will take bold action to challenge the corruption entrenched in Washington.
MAHA Make America Healthy Again
We're Shaking Up Washington—
Join Me
Dear Friend,
Everyone has heard President Trump’s signature phrase, Drain the Swamp. His instinct is spot on. The problem in Washington isn’t just a few corrupt individuals. It is a whole corrupt system.
It’s the federal agencies. It’s the lobbyists. It’s the research organizations, it’s the media, and it’s the corporations.
Well, I’ve spent 40 years suing almost all of them. In many of these agencies, I know the names of the bad actors who need to be moved out. I understand the perverse incentives that put agency capture on steroids.
I know how the system is supposed to work to protect the public interest and how it actually works to protect the mercantile interests of the regulated industries that have captured it. AND I know how to fix it. And that is exactly what I am going to do with Donald Trump’s backing.
Let me tell you what we are going to do
We are going to:
  • Appoint honest officials who don’t have conflicts of interest.
  • Listen to whistleblowers and act on their revelations.
  • Slam shut the revolving door that sends industry executives and lobbyists in and out of government.
  • Fire anyone who betrays the public trust or lies to the public.
  • Prohibit federal agencies from using their powers to harass political opponents.
That’s what it means to drain the swamp.
One of my top priorities in Washington will be to make sure President Trump can follow through on his promise and return us to a government OF THE PEOPLE.
But I can’t do this without your support.
Donate now to defend America
Be assured, I will take bold action to challenge the corruption entrenched in Washington and disrupt the power structures that have failed the American people for far too long.
Donate now to ensure I can help drain the swamp and restore government of the people.
Thank you for standing strong with me for the future of America.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Kennedy - MAHA

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