Not the email we were planning to send —

John — This is not the email we were planning to send today.

But we just got word that a new poll has George Whitesides *LEADING* in CA-27 by the thinnest of margins [!!]

CA-27 is currently held by Republican Mike Garcia, and it is one of the critical target seats that we must flip for Democrats to take back control of the U.S. House.

Our teams at the California Democratic Party have been mobilizing here for months through our Forever Organizing strategy, and our efforts seem to be paying off.

But now, everything will come down to what we can do in these final weeks before the election. That’s why we are asking you to rush a special donation to help us flip this seat. Will you pitch in $35 or more?


George Whitesides 🔵: 46% +2
Mike Garcia 🔴: 44%

CHIP IN $15 >>

The election is rapidly approaching, John. Who knows, this could be the last poll we get from the make-or-break CA-27 district.

The final result here comes down to what we can do in the next few weeks. Every day counts, and the clock is ticking.

That’s why we rushed to send this email today. If we could raise even another $7,500 before midnight tonight to help fund our mobilization and GOTV efforts, that would make a huge difference.

What do you say? Will you make a special donation now? Whether you are renewing your donation, or chipping in for the first time, we are so grateful and need you in this fight!!

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

Thank you!

- The entire team at CADEM HQ

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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States