Image of woman with megaphone and logos of Palestine coalition members. Text reads:

Labour's first Conference since returning to power begins next weekend. As MPs gather in Liverpool, CND and the Palestine Coalition will be in Liverpool too. We'll be demanding that the government stops arming Israel, and does everything possible to stop Israel's genocide in Gaza and bring an end to the growing oppression of Palestinians living in Israel and the West Bank.?

Coaches are coming from London. Let us know of any other organised transport and we will publicise it for you.

  • Saturday, 21 September
  • Assemble 12 noon, St George's Place, Liverpool
  • More details, including return coaches from London to the march, here

CND will also be attending the Labour Party Conference and will be holding a fringe event there, titled A?new agenda for peace: what we need from Labour's Defence Review.?This event is being held outside the secure conference zone so you don't need to be a conference delegate to take part.?


  • Sunday, 22 September
  • 4:00pm to 5:30pm?
  • Albert Room, the Hilton Hotel, 3 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool, L1 8LW, details here


Guest speakers: Alex Gordon, RMT President, Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Labour MP, Peter Burt, Nukewatch, Jess Barnard, Labour Party NEC and Sam Mason, CND Vice-Chair. Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.


The world we want: A new agenda for peace and justice, CND conference, 12 October


We are happy to announce more information about our upcoming conference scheduled for Saturday, 12 October at SOAS University of London. The world is now in the midst of two major wars involving nuclear powers - in Ukraine and the Middle East - conflicts which the international community has failed to bring to a halt. Meanwhile, wars born out of the climate crisis are gathering pace as states compete for dwindling resources.


While governments - including our own - fail to get a grip on the twin threats of nuclear war and climate collapse, ordinary people are coming together to discuss ways to achieve a safer and more prosperous world for all.?


The world we want: A new agenda for peace and justice,?is CND's contribution to that discussion. We will be bringing together experts, academics, MPs, trade unionists, and peace activists, to discuss the world we have now and how we can work together to create the world we want.?


  • Saturday, 12 October,?
  • 10am to 5pm
  • SOAS University of London, 10 Thornhaugh Street London WC1H 0XG
  • Free, register to reserve your spot here

Sessions include: The world we have now; How can we end the risk of nuclear war?; How do we break the 'nuclear weapons create jobs' myth?; MDA: what can we do about the so-called 'special nuclear relationship'?; What's new in technologies for war?; Peace and Planet: inextricably linked?; How can we use industrial and economic power to end militarism?; The world we want to see.


More information on session times, speakers, and how you can take part can be found here.


AGM & Policy Conference: Paid-up members of CND are also invited to take part in our AGM and policy conference, which will take place online on Saturday, 5 October. Nominations for elected positions have now closed but there is still time to register and attend. More information here.?


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We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom