Homemade celebrity videos, comprehensive resources and free downloads
Dear friends—
We are proud to announce the Child Mind Institute’s #WeThriveInside campaign, our response to the stress and strain families are experiencing during the COVID-19 crisis. #WeThriveInside brings the Child Mind Institute’s innovative telehealth, online consultations, inspiring videos and comprehensive online resources to families no matter where they are.
Check out the first video from actor and Child Mind Institute board member Emma Stone!
No matter where you are, the Child Mind Institute is here for you during this crisis and beyond with essential telehealth and online resources to support kids who are struggling. We want children everywhere to be able to say, “We thrive inside.”
Visit childmind.org/wethriveinside to learn more and to support this life-changing work. And stay tuned for #GivingTuesdayNow, a new day of giving created as an emergency response to COVID-19 set for next Tuesday May 5. You will have the opportunity to support the Child Mind Institute through a generous matching gift or by making your own Facebook Fundraiser.
Stay safe,
Your friends at the Child Mind Institute
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