Friend --

In a surprise turn, nuclear energy became a major focus of New York's Future of Energy Summit, which took place on September 5th of this year in Syracuse, NY.

Why was Governor Kathy Hochul -- the champion of sending billions of dollars of subsidies to wind and solar corporate and financial entities? -- forced to include nuclear energy in her future plans?? Perhaps the exploding energy bills of constituents, the reports from NYSERDA, the NYIOS and the State Comptroller documenting failed objectives and the perilous state of the grid, and the need to get energy to Micron have all had an effect.

But it is more than that.

As a candidate in 2022, I protested the insane shutdown of the safe and productive Indian Point nuclear power plant in 2021, which provided 25% of the energy for New York City and Westchester County.? Indian Point was developed as a result of President Dwight Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" initiative, and involved the highest levels of skilled labor from start to finish.? We need the energy flux density of nuclear processes to move forward!?China is currently constructing 32 nuclear plants, and Russia, India and China are discussing building a nuclear power plant on the moon.

While the New York Energy Summit tried to fit nuclear into the context of their failing renewable agenda, we have now an opening to discuss a nuclear future for New York.?

Let's get off the cold, dark Titanic!?Join our discussion with experts and participants to discuss the New York Energy Summit this Friday night.

New York Symposium, September 13 , 2024, 8:00 PM Nuclear Energy to the Rescue!

--Diane Sare

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