by Paul Weinstein, Jr., Senior Fellow
It is becoming clearer each day that the health and economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic won’t just change the way we live and work, it will also change the way we educate.
The United States could save $46 trillion in economic and social losses by moving to a smart containment strategy involving aggressive testing and tracing. That’s according to UVA economists Anton Korinek and Zach Bethune, who spoke with PPI’s Mike Mandel on our weekly online discussion on Friday.
by Alec Stapp, Director of Technology Policy
In a new special podcast series from the Progressive Policy Institute, small businesses owners sit down with PPI’s Director of Technology Policy Alec Stapp to share the stories behind their businesses and how they’re using technology to survive — and even thrive — during the pandemic.
by Ben Ritz, Director, and Brendan McDermott, Fiscal Policy Analyst, of the Center for Funding America's Future
The enormity of challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, and the speed at which crises can take root, demand that our leaders act boldly and quickly. But the need for decisive action also gives leaders an unfortunate opportunity to “not let a good crisis go to waste” by slipping unrelated policies into must-pass legislation.
by Ben Ritz, Director, and Brendan McDermott, Fiscal Policy Analyst, of the Center for Funding America's Future
Since the coronavirus pandemic reached America’s shores, Congress has passed four major pieces of legislation to address the growing crisis — but more still needs to be done.
by Brendan McDermott, Fiscal Policy Analyst of the Center for Funding America's Future
Financing Child Tax Credit refundability with taxes on high unearned incomes is a progressive anti-poverty model that Biden should take inspiration from, both to substantively strengthen his platform and to help appeal to the party’s left without plunging the nation deeper into debt.
by Alec Stapp, Director of Technology Policy
While the FTC should look into the allegations that Amazon violated its own Chinese wall — and therefore misled sellers — politicians such as Senator Warren and Congressman Cicilline are conflating a consumer protection issue with an antitrust issue to support their own ideological crusade. Contrary to what they may claim, the accusations of antitrust violations in this case are dubious.
by David Osborne, Director of the Reinventing America's Schools Project
This year, thanks to the coronavirus, the dreaded “summer slide” will be worse than usual. Studies have found that students lose up to 25 to 30 percent of what they learned in an academic year over the following summer, with the worst losses, particularly in reading, among low-income kids.
by Dane Stangler, Director of Policy Innovation
Immigration is now mostly on “pause” until at least mid-summer. This should be approached by Republicans and Democrats as an opportunity to forge some modest areas of agreement that will also bring economic benefits.
The Progressive Policy Institute is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Join us on Facebook or Twitter on the road to November 2020.