Upcoming Engagements on Democratizing Evidence and Advancing Social Justice with Vivian Tseng

Foundation for Child Development President and CEO, Vivian Tseng, will be speaking at several events this fall on ways to leverage research to advance social justice for young children marginalized by racism, xenophobia, and economic inequality. Learn more about her upcoming engagements, recent publications, and a podcast interview on democratizing evidence and engaging communities in research to drive social change.

HARC’s 9th Annual Collaborative Science of Home Visiting Meeting

Innovative Methods for Engaging Communities in Building Evidence and Informing Policy
Date: September 17-18, 2024
Location: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Washington, DC

Vivian will present on Tuesday, September 17th at this methods-focused meeting aimed at increasing the capacity for inclusive and equitable research in home visiting. Join the discussion to explore how community-engaged research can drive impactful evidence that shapes policy and practice.

Related Resource
Vivian Tseng’s essay on research-practice partnerships for social justice, where she advocates for democratizing evidence, was published in the Social Policy Report, a journal by the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). Read the full essay titled Engineering research-practice partnerships for social justice in Social Policy Report, Volume 37, Issue 1.

Learn More About the Methods-Focused Meeting

Next Generation Evidence Roundtable

Engaging Youth and Families in Evidence Building and Use

Date: October 21, 2024
Location: William T. Grant Foundation, New York, NY

On October 21st, Vivian will serve as a panelist for this roundtable, co-hosted by Project Evident and the William T. Grant Foundation. The event focuses on the importance of co-designing evaluations with youth and families to improve the usefulness of research evidence in supporting young people.

Related Resources

Read the Next Generation Evidence Book

Join Us in Attendance at the Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) 2024 National Convening!

Date: October 28-30, 2024
Location: The Westin Book Cadillac, Detroit, MI

The Foundation is a proud sponsor of GCIR's biennial National Convening. We're looking forward to joining fellow leaders to discuss power-building and systemic change for marginalized immigrant communities. This year’s theme, "Mobilizing Philanthropy | Shifting Power," will provide an opportunity for funders, advocates, and organizers to strategize on ways to amplify the work of immigrant communities across movements.

In collaboration with GCIR and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, we will co-host a funders lunch focused on supporting children and youth in immigrant families on October 28th, at the convening. For more information, please contact Harmony Hayes at [email protected].

Learn More About GCIR's 2024 Convening
Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development works at the intersection of research, policy, and practice to support young children in reaching their full potential.
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